Whooping Crone

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Now playing

This is how I remember Elton John from when I was a kid in the 70s.

Indeed I would also put “born in the USA” on the list too because after that people don’t bother listening to the rest of the lyrics.

Also- Every Breath You Take.

For a long time now there’s been two phrases that run through my head at least once per day when reading news about this clusterfuck of an administration. “What the actual fuck?!?” and “What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?”. Sigh. Everything is horrible.

I love Joe, but it’s not bipartisan when one side wants to cure everyone and the other wants to cure those who can pay.

Agreed. Unless they are saying “we look forward to working with the cancer in Washington.”

No, Cancer is not bipartisan. The Republicans are trying to strip Americans of health care as we speak. Cancer is very much supported by the Republicans.

I read it as “I want to be unfuckable” haha! Did they not hire a graphic designer to check that font?

I know they probably have to use ‘toilette’ because of the oils, but Threat de Toilette is a terrible name. The immediate smell that comes to mind would definitely make me not even try this...

And don’t go telling me there aren’t enough people who will want to use it to make it viable business decision and it is, therefore, a bad idea.

Breaking News: People who don’t personally see a need for something declare it to be terrible abomination! Conveniently forget that no one will force them to utilize this service they don’t need and that families with neurodivergent kids exist.

I hear you so loud and clear it’s practically giving me a headache.

Same here. It is really hard. And my abuse started when I was 3-4, which logically I know that no person would ever blame a child that age, but I do. I mean, part of it was the grooming aspect and that it went on for years, which made me compliant and feel complicit, but I really do struggle with feeling responsible

I wouldn’t have used “rectified” in my letter in this situation.

Class of ‘93? He looks like he’s 60 years old!

Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lin Manuel Miranda looks at everybody.

The “product” is even named Mensez.... as in, Men sez things not realizing how out of touch he is.. 

I really don’t think so...