Whooping Crone

Just wanted to chime in that I feel all of this. My parents never had money, their parents never had money, and so on. Yet many of my same-age acquaintances have parents who paid for the schooling/education/cars/gas/food and they are so far ahead of me in life because of this. This doesn’t take away from their own

Yeah, he seems like a tool. Can we replace him with Lin Manuel Miranda as Go To Broadway Guy?

It’s so sad that the well-being of her brand was more important that her mental well-being. But, realistically, she wasn’t wrong in her way of thinking. Being open about mental illness also means being open to criticism and dealing with the stigma that mental illness still carries. How many people keep smiling on the

Tags still attached, you say? I thought this was a feature, not a bug?

Congrats to Don’s girlfriend on getting her braces off recently!

France: happy to tell women what they can and cannot wear but telling adult men they cannot rape children is apparently a bit tougher. Jesus christ. And yeah, 15 is definitely way too young if they’re not including those clauses about age differences in between parties.

That’s my take, too. “Out of all the times I’ve harrassed someone, how can you expect me to remember this one time? Come on.”

Octo-Hanukah! Nice!

Happy Halloween!

Gotta say Goop’s costume is one of my favorites this year.

Since these statues are supposedly about history... how about we just erected another statue, next to existing statue, of a black union shoulder with a bayonet pointed at the original statue, and change the positions of the arms of the original statue into one of surrender, possibly holding a white flag?


I hate how she’s always promoted as “your bff JLaw”. No thank you. I doubt she and I have anything in common apart from being carbon based. Don’t tell me who I want to be friends with, I have friends and they are nothing like her public persona.

I agree. I used to really like her (Silver Linings Playbook era) but her nonsense is grating.

I have seven utility knives and four retractable tape measures. I’m still stressed, because I only know where three of the knives and two of the tapes are.

Reading glasses.

It’s his first Dad joke as a new Dad

They will only get worse from here on out

It’s often hard to judge the reactions of people placed in this situations unexpectedly on television. I think Sasse’s tweets afterwards are genuine. Reading them and combining them with his interview on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me the other week makes me think he’s the sole reasonable Republican in Washington. I may not

Maher should apologize. This isn’t about free speech, ironic humor, comedy, or getting edgy. As someone who’s a classic liberal free speech (practically) absolutist, I would agree that the n-word is the one word that’s so historically and emotionally loaded that it should not be spoken aloud.

And the court should tell her that it appreciates her position and is happy that she seems to have come to terms with her assault and trauma. And then it should continue its pursuit of Polanski, who is a child rapist who spent the last 40 years living in luxury and adoration while having a family of his own and