Whooping Crone

I used to agree with the fact that they are hideous but my husband has some from REI, Columbia, and Kühl, and 511 and they are super functional and sturdy, they look awesome, they are lightweight, and they come in a range of more attractive neutral colors. They are a bit pricier than the cargo pants with the warping

I am volunteering to be the official Jezebel Duggar Reporter. I am way too obsessed with them and I need an outlet for my crazy. It can be a weekly feature on dirtbag- The Dirty Duggars: What will we dig up next!

People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually

LOL good now I can stop having arguments with people who insist Sex and the City is “empowering” because “feminism”.

I’d be uncomfortable too if I saw people with those things on their faces.

This is what the DNC gets by cheating HRC into winning. 4 more years of our President being a corporatist neo-liberal instead of watching out for the environment. Almonds take up way too much water to grow, as anyone who isn’t a shill for the Almond Industrial Complex can tell you. Wake up sheeple.

Saint West is so stinking adorable. I love his little round face. It’s kinda perfect cartoon baby face.

Flawleth? I don’t think tho! ;)

My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.

I just wish that the photo was of his husband and child.

When I was pregnant I could not look at any person without thinking “You used to be INSIDE of someone else” and getting totally distracted.

I want them to cast someone who’s america’s dad. Someone really trustworthy and likeable, so it’s that much more creepy.

I recently did a 6-week round-the-world trip by myself, and went swimming several times at various beaches. My scheme was three-fold: 1) Leave all the really valuable stuff (passport) back at the hotel; 2) take a small dry-bag to the beach and bring all your medium-valuable stuff (phone, wallet, hotel key, glasses) in

Well she can’t have any pudding! How does she expect to have any pudding if she only beats her meat?

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

This oughta be getting WAY more recognition.

Ok. Here’s mine. Quija Board story, unoriginal I know, but TRUE, and I was like 16.. I was with a group of girlfriends (the makeout kind, not just the friend kind)and some of us were upstairs and some of us were downstairs with the board. Two of us asked it a few random questions and then got to business on real

I hadn’t read J.A.’s post. I’d heard about it, but hadn’t gotten around to it. I checked it out through this post because I though that reading it would help me better understand some of the points I thought were being made.

I’m hoping she’s like most of the older ladies I see at the gym who are like “I pushed out 4 kids. I’ve had a whole hospital floor shoving their hands up my lady bits. Idgaf. Everybody’s got the same parts.”

I’m sorry you or anyone else has come to feel that way. :(
When I was a kid, we belonged to a health/tennis club. At 10 I remember being in the locker room and women went about naked in there like it was no big thing at all. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages would shower, use the sauna and hot tub, do hair and