Whooping Crone

And Misty Upham was Native American.

I see from another post you’re Jewish. That doesn’t excuse the Nose joke. It just isn’t clever or funny or incisive - just low hanging fruit. It gives people a pass to behave the same. Old-fashioned anti-semitism isn’t dead yet. My 10 year old was recently told by a classmate her people are responsible for killing

If I bring you Neil Young will your protect him too?

Don’t be confused. Rock stars have been using androgyny to attract fans since the beginning:

To be honest, since I’m not a white male and I am sensitive to bad smells, I’d only go back to the past 100 years. Would love to have experienced 60s London and tried to meet the Beatles and all their friends.

That is so difficult. IF I WERE BEING HONEST, I would probably go back 7 years ago to a hotel room in Arizona where I was with my favorite person and I thought that the universe had finally given me something precious. Just one thing I could have in the massive amount of shit that is life.

You don’t even have to be famous to experience it! That’s the great part! All the women in your office may just decide to hate you for no reason, or because you “think you’re so great.”

I can’t stand Leo, that’s one of the reasons I won’t see it. I did like last year Birdman. If you want to see Tom Hardy watch Locke.

Costco is the anti-Walmart. Good pay and benefits and no god-bothering of the employees.

I hate “Wonderful Tonight” SO. FUCKING. MUCH.

Dead at 69 and the name that follows is David Bowie and not Donald Trump shows how cruel and unjust the universe is.

Oh my god thank you for reminding me about Gael García Bernal.

So, this is a snark-free comment (apologies): Wyatt Cenac is wonderfully active on (and often reads) Selected Shorts on PRI! Love him!

Alice Munro is an artist and a genius. Her short stories are certainly worthwhile reading!

One of my favourites

I hear ya about the “tell mom anything” lie. Didn’t happen to me, but to my older sister. We were in our 20’s and was really excited to tell my mom (really religious lady) she’d had sex for the first time with her then-boyfriend (mom had always said that “she didn’t care if we’d had sex with so on so, as long as we

Wait until you hear about Communion!

I will say this: I’ve been a long time commenter and reader of Jalopnik & Deadspin that occasionally visits Jezebel. Your group’s writing has definitely influenced my views on gender equality, feminism and the institutional marginalization of women.

But that’s just it. Dolly Partin and Bob Newhart are so nice and polite they’d never do it or at least apologize for doing so.

Unpopular opinion from someone who works in theatre: Yeah, naw, Aretha was still being rude as fuck.