Whooping Crone

I think part of the hate is spilling over from the plethora of articles like that woman the other day who wrote about living in the Victorian era. Her tone on her website was really judgmental, like she thought she was a better human being for forgoing modern conveniences. In that case, some of the ire was justified

I really don’t get the animosity of some of the comments I’ve seen (not just here). He’s not telling everyone that they should make every ingredient they eat from scratch, he just enjoys learning about the processes that go into creating things. Don’t want to go through the trouble he did? Go to Panera. But he seems

Why the fuck can’t we just let people move here, I’d like to know. There’s plenty of room and the net effect would probably even boost the economy a little. There’s no reason this should ever be a thing!

CA Governor Jerry Brown was also trying to reach out to those that disagree with him (and smack them for their willful ignorance):

Yah, this is a dick move. "I'm going to tell no one about this and then fuck all the other designers." The nerve of some gay fish....

I was working at a margarita bar on the water, so winter was slow. We relied on our regulars, a few of which were a group of late twenties bro dudes who would come in for nachos and fish bowl sized margaritas. They were generally ok, except they LOVED to flirt with all of the female staff, despite none of us being

I’m commenting for the first time to share this story: When I was in middle school, my family and another family - the O’Donnells - would go to midnight mass together on Christmas Eve. The O’Donnells had a little boy (around age 8), named Coline. Colin ran wild, and hardly ever faced consequences for his actions.

The story is the stuff of legends and my family. When we were little, my mom and my aunt took all of us cousins to church one Sunday. We were told that if we were good in church we would be getting ice cream afterwards. This incentive proved to be much too powerful for my four-year-old cousin who quickly grew very

“And yea, I said unto him, motherfucker, I am on the Do Not Call list.”

Tattoos are frowned upon in Judaism. Yom Kippur is the highest of holidays where you’re supposed to the spend the day fasting, praying, and atoning. Guess who was in the middle of getting a new tattoo when she looked at the calendar on her phone and noticed it was Yom Kippur?

Out of habit more than anything, my family would put out a miniature Nativity set decorated by my Grandpa. Usually on a side table or the piano. I made my own addition one year, a certain spring-loaded suction cup novelty held back from Halloween. My parents woke up the next morning to see the Holy Ghost bobbing

I was only like 8 or 9 when that movie came out, but I had no idea he was playing a part, I just thought the developmentally disabled kid was one hell of an actor.

All I could think looking at this pic is that, now that Malia is off to college and Sasha is too old to be cute, The Obamas will be introducing a cute, mischievous cousin next season.

YES I agree completely! Being able to let go of your anger is a great thing, for people who are into that, but why should it have anything to do with the person who wronged you? Especially when we’re talking about rape? The idea that anyone needs to “forgive” their rapist is horrifying to me. People should certainly

It’s worth noting that Morales is now President of Bolivia, the only president of a South American country that comes from a native culture. He’s also a socialist. Needless to say, the oligarchs in the world are not pleased.

I hate bringing up home births because everyone thinks that anyone who has one must be some sort of crazed hippie who is risking the life of her child by not listening to medical professionals. Where I live, home births are offered to low-risk women who have had trouble free births in the past. You are also given the

Defining yourself as “an alcoholic” is really an AA/12-step thing. Most (I don’t know all of them, so I won’t say all) of the alternatives talk about your addiction as a problem/disease you HAVE or are going THROUGH, not who you ARE.

tomorrow i’ll have 16 months off heroin (and all other mind altering substances) it IS possible. but it’s hard. (i did it with AA)

Sorry about your sister. And you bring up an excellent point - you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it. There are always comments about tragedies that go “Where was her family? Why didn’t they help her get clean/into therapy?” It upsets me when people blame the family. As if the family were capable of changing that

my heart breaks for you.