Whooping Crone

Same for me but swap July 4th for Memorial Day, the bike for just plain old walking, and
Brooklyn for Bumf*ck, Kansas (don't ever move to Kansas).

Are you sure their faces weren’t just too fat to wear drawstring hoodies? Some faces just don’t work with Lululemon’s drawstring hoodies. — Chip Wilson

Yeah, but do they FLAUNT their resemblance?

This makes me even more grateful for my dad. He wasn’t Superman or even close, but he was a fundamentally good person and did his best. I think I was very lucky.

Not living in a Christian area where there are Children?

Everyone is the same height when they’re laying down, you know.

re: recovering alcoholics. My coworker is one, we are close so I know that. When he refuses after work happy hours people always get all up in his business about it. Can’t people just politely decline without you wanting to know why?

First off fuck Chet Haze. Now with that out of the way, I really don’t see what is accomplished by blaming the parents here. The dude is what, 27 now? So yeah, he’s an adult and can do as he pelases, even if that’s being an idiot racist. Yeah, it would be nice if Tom and Rita were to try to change this moron but maybe

You guyssss, I finally got a doggie! Went to the shelter on Monday, she was ready on Thursday. We’re getting along great, she likes the kids and she’s the sweetest thing. Meet Amy:

Too late to edit my other post but I got my mom to send me a picture of my epic cat senior picture. (She has it in a big frame collage, hence the random baby pictures on the side.) The early 00s was not kind to my eyebrows.

Not really embarrassing I guess. Fun fact: There were 3 days that year that I *didn’t* wear that kilt (which I still have)

You may think you want to go. You do not want to go. Please trust me on this. You.Do.Not.Want.To.Go

From a parent’s perspective, pictures like this are particularly valuable because it helps you forget the times when they’re beating the crap out of each other for no good reason. This picture, for example, might be followed by those that didn't make the cut - where little brother crushes the cup in his surprisingly

I guess what I’m looking for is some information about the child - their development, their relationships with other family members, their hobbies. Pictures that are basically of your backyard are more boring or annoying, and a dozen pictures at slightly different angles lead to unfollowing regardless of any class

I agree. The baby in the first photo looks unhappy! That does not make me go ‘aww’. The second one is cute. Kids of different ages playing together is adorable.

The baby in the cowgirl pic looks uncomfortable and like she doesn’t wanna be there/in that cowgirl outfit (I imagine wearing boots when you have chub baby legs is annoying).

I weigh about 135 now and I am one of those girls who wants to lose 5 - 1olbs....let me tell you why!

She’s fabulous and I also love her specificity because otherwise it makes numbers seem shameful things... but to your point about 160 vs 135... putting a specific number on your bar where it’s bold or helpful to be open and cool about your weight is just as guilty of losing sight, no? Because while you may think

How about we just say that no matter what you weigh, you are free to want to lose weight for whatever reason or you are free to be like fuck yeah, I’m good just the way I am. I mean yeah, it’s refreshing to hear that (as someone who is super tall and weighs more than that as a result) but lets not hate on our 135