
Keeps stealing new organs from “donors.”

Uber Eats and we hate getting hit by phones.

If Just Jared really cared they would change their name.  LOL.

Melanie Trump: Social distancing since 1998.

Dislikes the Dixie Chicks? Republican cats are the worst cats.

He is a tower of strength!

Don’t forget about the time Charlies Kushner sent a prostitute over to make a sex tape with his sister’s husband to use as blackmail!!!!! She shouldn’t let him be around the kids if they have them. Hopefully she’ll get out before then.

He’s ONLY 40 years old???? He has a child??? A woman actually said I want to have that guy’s baby? Lord...

Britney, honey, it’s time to get a big girl haircut. You will love it.

I suspect one of those kind things Pratt did to make the world a better place is vote GOP/trump.  So I’ll pass, Kath, thanks.

Meghan is an American, Jeffrey Epstein is an American.

It’s just that I’m a WAR HERO! I couldn’t have had sex with an under-aged girl, there was a shot fired somewhere in the vicinity of where I was!

Kim thinks she is going to be First Lady. For real. That’s why she is doing this.

The Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West versus Nimrata “Nikki” Randhawa Haley primary going to be lit!

Between 1997 and 2000, Wead secretly recorded several hours of phone conversations between himself and George W. Bush, without Bush’s knowledge.

Mitch McConnell looks like he’s on death’s doorstep.

That jacket...

Now playing

It’s like when Joey used a thesaurus.

The cult continues. Has this ever happened before? Is there some Jenna Bush restroom I don’t know about?

Hugh Jackman grew a beard, huh?