Why would you come here to see it when you could so easily look it up on google images and see many more images of it?
Why would you come here to see it when you could so easily look it up on google images and see many more images of it?
Cat’d with the lift kit and the roll up windows.
If there can be such as thing as a “least desirable F40", this is it.
Oh shut the fuck up. Lots of times we were publicly chastised, myself included, for saying Hennessey was a fraud.
You’re full of shit, and so is your site.
Except you’re so fucking late on the news that it’s laughable, Michael.
Come on man, you’re my favorite on staff.
Get with the times!
It looks like shit because it is shit.
The kit is by Bee*R, and uses only genuine R34 headlights, from a GTT ER34.
The greenhouse is far too small on this car. Had it been a bit bigger, the car would have been far more realistic. It’s pretty, sure, but those are gun-slit windows if I’ve ever seen them, and I see no cameras/screens to aid in outward vision.
You’re a fucking journalist. You know literally nothing about the economics nor the strategic/engineering backbone of any government project outside of what they tell you, which is perhaps, at most, 10% of the equation, so as to maintain warfare/tactical discretion.
Shut up. Just... shut up.
Brian, you’re such a weaboo faggot.
“Admittedly, this is very good for an Aston Martin. Most Aston Martin owners only drive 2,000 to 4,000 miles in an entire year, and spend the rest of the time dining at restaurants with names like Thirty-Seven.”
When I was 20 I worked at a five-star restaurant called e18hteen, in Ottawa, to support my lavish University…
Can you be my accountant so that you can tell me how to manage my money too?
Nobody’s listening to you Patrick.
What the fuck is up with you and this POS Honda?
Is Honda sucking your dick or something?
Dude... you had a child?
I feel like this was a massively bad life choice on your part.
Looks like diarrhea on wheels.
Holy fuck, your idiocy knows no bounds.
I’ve never raced with a wheel that offered the “snapback” of a real cars steering wheel, as soon as you give it the Scandinavian flick.
I always felt that this is a missing feature in racing wheels that should be incorporated, as anyone who has spent any serious amount of time drifting would be able to tell you that…
In a car with 50/50 weight distribution, this becomes easier.
I once had that happen to me in my old Z32.
I saved it, miraculously.
You shouldn’t. I’m 27 and I have a severe crush on a woman who is 34. I’m a working professional with a decent future ahead of me - and I see nothing wrong with dating an older woman or a woman the same age as me.
They’re referring to the Taikyu BNR34 V-Spec II N1 bubble wrapped in the bubble wrap in the photo. It's 1 of 18 ever made, and a track only car in the states. It sells for around $200,000 USD in bone stock OEM trim.