It’s still a disgrace to humanity that you procreated Matt.
It’s still a disgrace to humanity that you procreated Matt.
Get your eyes checked.
I just looked that commercial up.
Aaaaahhh yes, Cosplay: Where we live vicariously through someone else and then seek to be celebrated for it.
I’m just going to go dress up like a car now, since I really love my 300ZX Z32.
Excuse me.
Speed and power are pointless. I’d rather have fun driving slow than not have fun driving fast.
Can I just say that the Ford Focus sedan is hideous?
I just wanna say that.
Doesn’t matter though... I guess I’ll be forever gray.
I said this 2 years ago, and got lambasted by the commentariat and the staff alike.
Fuck this site.
I respect your 944 decision. I’m 10G into a Nissan 300ZX N/A, which I bought for 3000, because no Twin Turbo example would ever be as reliable as my car can be, handle as excitingly on the limit, or be as useable as mine is.
I understand where you’re coming from.
First of all, this guy is an idiot. Who drives at 100+mph on a public road?
Second of all, he doesn’t know his line. He goes into a sweeping right hander without knowing where the crest of the apex is, and enters through the inside of the turn. It was going to end bad long before he ever entered that sweeper.
Third of…
Looking at something as bland as this makes me physically sick.
Seriously. I can’t even explain why I’m so revolted by it.
People use Facebook because it’s the best way to keep in touch with people internationally in the modern era.
They were built, and sold in Japan.
Do some research.
Let’s not forget that it did that on the dirt.
On dirt.
The guy would be an idiot to let a 13 year old have a go in his 497HP, F1 inspired hypercar.
Oh shut up.
That’s a misnomer, especially with the N/A Z32.
I owned one of these for quite awhile.
Quite possibly the best daily driver I’ve ever experienced.
Even in 2 feet of snow the thing hauled ass... albeit, sideways.
I got perma-greyed on this site for calling out the editors for not picking the actual top answers, but instead, whatever they all agreed was the right answer.
“Let’s get public opinion based off of majority vote, and then change it to our own opinion based off of whatever votes.”
I swear, it was like some communist…