Yes, because having a comment on something on the internet denotes how much fun they are to hang out with in real life.
Yes, because having a comment on something on the internet denotes how much fun they are to hang out with in real life.
That is literally the second most hideous vehicle I’ve ever seen besides that Puma thing.
I never said it’s anything special, I said they were treating it recklessly.
I fucking commend them for it, in fact.
Good for them.
I use my cars the same way, so...
Funny, cause I don`t recall anybody asking you.
Did he leave racist comments?
Does it matter?
Congrats on wasting all your time beating a benchmark that literally nobody cares about, useless guy on the internet.
I live in Toronto and my boss owns a 2015 Ecoboost performance pack.
He’s not a douchebag. And he’s 57.
To me, drifting is a ballet, not a powerhouse powerslide speed contest.
The more intuitive the connections between drifts are, the more I respect the drifter.
My mom could drift a GT-R at 190mph.
She definitely could not tandem up a mountain, perfectly balancing the car from one apex to the other.
I like Michael. He’s funny.
This abandoned Mugen Beat, which was towed away a month after the video was posted, and sent to a junker, from what I heard.
Watch me still be in the grey for this...
Holy shit man. Like, this is next level fucked up.
You’re actually this concerned with a fake universe?
Seek immediate help.
You literally know nothing about this car.
It’s cause they’re socialists, right? That’s what you want us to say, right?
How dare you say that on Jalopnik?
Dude, get with the hyp... I mean, times.
This is exactly why I’ve pretty much always respected you Michael.
“Sup, I’m special too.”
Who the fuck cares? Stfu.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
You’re one hundred and ten percent correct.