shop-teacher @opposite-lock . com

The other day I suddenly went to myself “the Bonneville SSEi, that thing was cool.” 

Those are some nice facts. But I’m worried they’ll get in the way of us getting more Tundra articles. We only have 5 today. If we can’t post frivolous comparisons that are incorrect, how will we shit on the Tundra? 

I don’t think the tundra bed has a payload capacity that’s enough to carry all these shitty takes Jalopnik is putting out. 

Didn’t imply they were slow. Just that any acceleration will knock it from the unsecured spot they’ve chosen. 

The Christmas lights are so pretty in September.

What a weird take. I mean, 1455 ish lbs is a really good number for an off-road trim. It’s more than a Raptor, it’s more than a TRX, it’s not that far off from a power wagon (non-tradesman)

I like that the Tundra shares quite a bit with its competitors, the same way you might share your wife with a friend. It seems weird, but it’s actually masculine and modern. In the world of design, you want to be a sponge, and just soak up all the details. Don’t wrestle with “what you should do” on design. 

Modern truck tailgates are a god dam mess. They are too high off the ground so they have to incorporate some old guy tools to get access, but then those things are so dam heavy that they are cumbersome to open or close. So they make them powered, which add more weight.

It’s two different viewpoints on similar experiences, which I like. DT spends a lot more time in the lead up to his adventures working on the vehicle. Mercedes is more ‘we threw a bunch of shit in the back and went fucking crazy’. Each one hits a different part of my brain to create the same reaction. Pure enjoyment.

Whatchu gonna do when Tundramania runs wild over you?!?!

Having lived through the initial Hulk Hogan debacle, this is the first thing I thought. But to be fair, that chrome bezel does have a remarkable resemblance to the Hulkster’s power‘stash. Maybe Toyota is attempting to conjure the masculine strength of he-who-probably-should-not-be-mentioned.

I am absolutely floored that the tires are only 6 years old. I would’ve expected at least double that based on the condition of the rest of the car.

You must be a prophet.  Grosjean made short work of Pato after he had overdriven his tires.

I’m glad TMS has been moved up the schedule. It’s miserable in the middle of the year at the track, and the night weather does little to stymie how hot it can be. Moving it into March will make for a cooler race. Having the ‘southern’ races - and Long Beach - prior to Indy is a good move. Nashville will be as hot and

Took my wife to the hospital to have our son in our ‘71 Beetle.  Picked her up in a ‘72 Buick Roadmonster Estate Wagon.  With the wagon, instead of taking everything we needed for the kid in the Beetle, we could take everything we had for the kid in the Buick, including the Beetle.

I have one child (a 2-year old), and a Mazda2 as the sole family car. He’s still small enough to be rear facing, so it’s effectively a 3-seater. I’m not hanging on to it as any sense of preserving any pre-parenthood, but kids are expensive, daycare is expensive, and we live in a city with stupid expensive real estate.

First kid on the way, so that’s in the plans right now. I know I’m keeping my 335 manual since it’s got enough space for a kid in the back, but my wife wants something she can load the kid in without bending down. She likes her smaller cars but also wants something nicely equipped and fun, went from a GTI to an A220,

I had an AW11 before we had kids. My wife said my next car had to have four seats and four doors, so I bought an RX8.

4Runner. It’s basically a minivan.

Sadly. Very sadly I traded my (first truck) 1995 Chevy S10- standard cab, 4.3 Vortec+MT, all silver and black, slightly lifted with BFG all-terrains- for a 2000 forest green Plymouth (yes Plymouth) caravan. Yes I truly loved my son. Somehow we kept the Neon that was also in the driveway at the time. For the life of me