shop-teacher @opposite-lock . com

But “snap in half at the next pothole” is his normal level of rust, isn’t it?

One of the only vehicles that is less reliable than an ‘08 Volkswagen!

He didn’t specify which pocket. 

The J10 is old enough to be president.

I set it to vibrate and keep it somewhere more...personal. 

The driver:

A year ago, a log truck driver, racing to pick a load to carry to the mill, pulled around a line of cars stopped in the road without slowing down; they were waiting for the lead car to make a left turn. He passed right around them and slammed head-on into the car into the oncoming lane. My cousin was driving the car.

Michael Douglas in Falling Down comes to mind.

There’s a reason those things are called little orange cans of death.  If you need extra grip, just grab a piece of sandpaper; that’ll get an oil filter right off.

They spent all the money on grippy material so that’s why their end caps are cardboard and their bypass valves are plastic, instead of metal like virtually every other brand.

Not to mention, he’s not using those in a C8 or something. They’re all clapped out Jeeps, old enough to vote if not drink.

For those whose cars take expensive oil filters, don’t sleep on the “free filter with jug of oil” change specials from Advanced. While Autozone and others limit the value of the free filter at something like $10 or $12, Advance still gives me a free $55 Carquest filter (which is made by Mann) for buying a $32 5-qt

Oriely stuff is usually name brand stuff.  I hear the synthetic oil is the same as...valvoline I think I remember.  Their filters are wix, the batteries used to be DEKA but they changed.  Try and find the beardiest member of the Oriely staff and ask them about their oils and they will probably tell you.

Don’t forget the fairly frequent Menard’s sales on Shell conventional oil. $1.97/qt after rebate last time I stocked up for my truck.

O’Reilly MicroGuard filters are made by Wix. Not sure about the Walmart ones. Could be. Wix makes a lot of white label filters.

I’ve always wanted to “part the seas” like Bruce Almighty myself 

so basically motorcycles have to buy the shock mount technology I used to use in my car for my Sony Discman back in 1993?

That’s asking the right question. While there is a lot to worry about due to the oblique contact forcing crash vehicles into the on-coming lane - a feature that could be eliminated by adding a crash-beam ala 11foot8+8 - getting to replay the drivers who never gave a moment’s thought until that last second about how

it amazes me that people can’t seem to figure it out.