Good thing I only gave my credit card info to Scam Monkey
Good thing I only gave my credit card info to Scam Monkey
$23 million in revenue in 2020, dropping to $7.7 million in 2021
That’s super fishy considering how the rest of the automotive/powersports/enthusiast market was straight up booming unless California govt put a full on choke hold on their business last year.
This is sad. It seems like just yesterday that he was outsmarting the cops and picking up Sally Field, and now the Bandit is reduced to stealing bikes.
The forensic accountants are going to be working overtime. I hope all the executives end up in Federal prison.
It’s legit beautiful.
She will be happy to add more commentary! We had a giggle writing this.
As God is my witness, if that enormous rust bucket shows up in David Tracy’s front yard...
I’m so glad you were able to escape the bus’ curse so lightly. It’s funny how a relatively small profit or loss can make the difference between a fondly-remembered mishap and simmering regret.
I was rebuilding a power steering pump and one of the magnets when missing. I was on the garage floor, so I knew it wasn’t in the engine bay and couldn’t (shouldn’t?) have gone very far. After probably about an hour of searching, I found it in the open rebuild kit plastic bag,
Yeah, but they're all 12 point.
Had this happen with a radiator cap of all things. Took it off to burp/top up after new oil cooler installation.. then it disappeared.... I chalked it up to throwing it out accidentally with miscellaneous trash and packaging from the day so I grabbed the wife’s car and bought a new one. Two months later and many…
I’ve had bolts that did this.
I once left a 9/16" socket on the fender of a Kawasaki Mule before driving it across an uncut hay field.
I hope he learned his lesson, too. It appears besides the fine and paying AAA back, he is no longer an approved provider for AAA and now not BBB accredited.
He makes good content and actually helps out people in the process. That’s something I’ve always liked about the channel and still do.
In the original article they made it sound like he was using his knowledge of how things worked to help people game the system. Likely to help them, but it also ensures he gets paid.
Except that insurance companies don’t lose money, they just pass the cost on to policy holders by raising rates. If you screw insurance companies, you’re really just screwing every other insured driver. Why should our rates go up because an idiot got his RZR stuck?
I still respect the guy. He did what he did to help people. It’d be different if he filed completely false claims. For every claim he filed, he did a job associated with it. Granted, some were unqualified claims and he got caught. Either way, no one should feel sorry for an insurance company.