Displaced Cosmonaut

For fucks sake. They raped women and children. Ellen was a mean boss. In what fucking world are these things equivalent?

Can the Paul brothers just disappear forever? 

Thanks, I hate it (and them)!
Plus, frozen vegetables are absolutly not “bullshit”! bBcause they’re flash frozen right after picking, they can frequently be more nutritious than the “fresh” equivalent, which has been sitting for who knows how long slowly decomposing.

Amen. While Hillary isn’t a typical celebrity (she’s in public life and has to expect analysis of her private one) this just seems gross. It’s one thing to speculate about how her relationship with Bill has been both an asset (mainly to him) and a liability (to her), but writing sex scenes between two real people who

Christ on a cracker. Hasn’t Hillary been through enough already?

How hard is it to not have sex with your employees?

It’s adorable when people think their love life is too complex to grasp. Humans have been at this thing in every single permutation for centuries. We are all still stumped. The reasons for this split are just as mundane as Jane Nobody’s failed marriage. Have a stadium of seats Ms. Cyrus.

I am honestly seeing red about this “paying other people to rear your child”...as though the 8 hours a day my kid is at daycare erases the effort of conceiving her (lesbians, so it was a little more involved than getting amorous), carrying her infuckingside me for 9 months, being in labor for two days, having an

What the fuck is this comment.

Maaaan fuck that noise. The pill was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I have several lady friends who report bad side effects as a result of the pill and while that saddens me, I went through at least 5 different brands before finding the right one. They’re not all the same. 

As someone who recently nearly died likely because of my birth control pill at the ripe old age of 29 (hello, pulmonary embolism), I find the woo-woo concerns about hormonal birth control really frustrating. I had originally gone on birth control to modulate my extreme depressive swings around my period (in addition

I see you Driscolls! Trying to pass off unripe strawberries as something other than what they are - not today Satan!

As a scientist, it frustrates me to no end how amateur scientists (e.g. people that “do their research” on the internet) warp the scientific method, something that is the basis for all reputable science, into this unrecognizable process.

Right so, ground-based astronomers and those adjacent are rightfully pissed

Same! I had the Payless version of these in the 90's and I want them again so bad

I think a lot of the kids at the high school she attended were super perplexed why she got into USC. You knew in high school, the people in your class that were going to college, community college, no college, and straight fuck-ups.

While I’d like to eat the rich like everyone else, I think some fines and community service would suffice for Loughflin and Hoffman. I mean really, they bribed their kid into college, that is bad. But fucking Christ, but CEOs at Wells Fargo wreak havoc on thousands and they just lose face and their jobs?

Agreed! We didn’t even have fondant on our wedding cake. I am glad to see more baking competition shows that are emphasising taste over thick layers of fondant.

Love SNS? Ever wish it was available 24/7? A long long time ago, jezebel (and all the gawker blogs) had an openthread that was always available for just general chatting. This was back in the days when the comments were actually moderated. It was just a scrolling page of comments, nothing fancy. Jezebel’s was called Gr

In the game of science, you win or you don't get tenure and become unemployed.