
I stopped riding two years ago. I used to ride a few hundred miles a week, including commuting to work. I was “the bike guy” with my friends. Always showed up to places with my helmet and bike shoes. Bikes and cars don’t mix, I found out the hard way once and spent a night in the ER after an elderly man blew a stop

Something something...(something bad)...something something...(something bad)

Dang, glad you’re ok, man. Maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t get that J10 ready in time... Speaking of which, it sounds great! Love that ignition upgrade!

Possession is nine tenths the law

Dunno if it’s a third row model, but looks like this one had sliding doors for at least a few seconds there.

Further evidence that NYC is just a horrible place to live

To be fair, Puig is the type of player to be involved in a brawl despite not being on either team.

The Clarkson act is getting old, isn’t it? As if a “journalist” can’t figure out why these are attractive and aspirational to people who actually do things outside of congested cities.

The country tried that, GM still closed their Ohio plant, and others have closed theirs too.

1st Gear:  Detroit has not had a non-democrat mayor since 1962.  Seems it might be time to try something else.

For when d bags split lanes in traffic you won’t ruin your paint. 

Yup yup! And the crazy doesn’t just stop with what you do on your own property. Some municipalities will have overly specific traffic ordinances on the books with stupidly harsh punishments.

Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for. 

They should have called in the squat team.

“It’s not an old crusty piece of shit, so I don’t like it.”

Diesel does not wish it had way less range and worse refueling choices.  

Good for you. I gave up bike commuiting in Chicago after 4 years. I just had too many close calls, angry interactions, and even a night in the hospital. I miss it, but I have too many people who love me.

I’ve been a commuting cyclist in Chicago for over a decade. I’ve been hit a few times and had 2-3x as many close calls. I pass ghost bikes (white-painted memorials for cyclists murdered on the city’s streets) daily and it never gets any less haunting. What makes me ache even more about every preventable death

Let me remind you that:

Are you fucking kidding me?