
I think you’re overestimating how much people care about these dumb laptime stunts.

Illinois is now essentially encouraging people to drive older cars. They just passed an increase in license plate renewal fees.

You never ever fucking key someone’s car. Da fuq kind of car guy are you? 

I’ve driven the original Mercedes 600 Pullman and multiple Rolls-Royce models.

Yeah I was in a similar situation once... in Mario Kart 8. I got the ink-splat on Rainbow Road. Consequences maybe not quite as high, but it was a real nail-biter for me.

You clicked the story, friend 

NYC citizens are truly Stockholm Syndome co-dependents.

So in other words, people who don’t know how to manage their money are ruining it for the rest of us.

I love David Tracy’s articles. He makes the decisions I would make if my wife didn’t rein me in. 

Finally!  Now, those of us part of the 99.9% of the world’s population that live outside of NYC don’t have to hear about it anymore. 

I don’t know about curbs at the mall, but if you want to go over medians, it’s about 1.5 psi

ground pressure = weight divided by surface area in lbs per square inch.

it’s not exactly linear like that. half pressure doesn’t necessarily mean 2x surface area, which is what your getting at with ground pressure which is different than tire pressure

How did you verify that all the negative reviews were because of online sexist campaigns? Maybe a bunch of people just think it isn’t a good movie and she isn’t a good actress? I’m one of them. But I guess that’s not an allowed opinion any more. 

There are no four seat sports car. Also, good luck fitting a rear facing car seat with any of those.

I hate the term “Rig”. it sounds simultaneously redneck and pompous - like it was a truck before you added bigger tires and a lightbar but now its a “rig”.  k.  Acceptable uses - tractor trailers or articulated vehicles.

What a maroon. Just buy your sticker from an ethically-challenged shop like a normal person.

BuT tHe CuLtUrE! It’S tHe GrEaTeSt CiTy On EaRtH!

Again, why would anyone willingly decide to live and work in loud noisy cramped NYC and put up with either