Fuck the entire comments section, this probably tastes pretty good.
Fuck the entire comments section, this probably tastes pretty good.
If you don’t care about that, you’re a psychopath.
Frankly, I don’t give a shit what he did or didn’t do. Just saying all else aside, anyone who shredded him for groping that poor busboy that they 100% knew for sure he groped might want to take a moment to reflect.
If they could have written better but didn’t want to, why on earth would they not want to?
Ungrateful swine. Incapable of being thankful for what they got instead of petulant because they didn’t get it the way they wanted.
So, the civil suit was dropped.
Masvidal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba.
I don’t see it.
Yeah, when Jez decides to hate a celebrity, they go all in.
Actually, years from now (years from then, really), people will read this and wonder why you bothered to get involved in the first place. And also possibly why you focused on a grammatical error instead of the point of the post.
In other words, the problem will solve itself.
What’s the dumbest question you can think of for a diner to ask a server?
They should be made equally aware of who specifically made the no-tipping decision, and also the makes and models of their cars, in case any delivery drivers wish to engage in any minor retribution on their way back to the shop.
And really, you can do a lot worse than a Publix deli sub.
I wonder what the app considers an ad, that it can find and block 79 of them on a single web page.
I prefer the Patrón model.
I’m trying to see it more like the cronut, or kale.