Wow. Kinja platform totally sucks & only gets worse, daily (mail!). Fact. <-- add FU? Nah :-)
Wow. Kinja platform totally sucks & only gets worse, daily (mail!). Fact. <-- add FU? Nah :-)
im with you lets goooo!
Dangit! If I didn’t have a meeting in ten minutes I’d definitely be walking over to Publix right now. Fine, I’ll wait until I’m on the way home. Harrumph!
GET A LIFE, will you people? I mean, for crying out loud, it’s just a TV show! I mean, look at you, look at the way you’re dressed! You’ve turned an enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a colossal waste of time!
I mean, how old are you people? What have you done with yourselves?
You, you…
I am pretty sure that Quentin Tarantino is one of the last filmmakers who would need to concoct some nonsense stunt to drum up business for his movie, especially one co-headlined by DiCaprio and Pitt.
Why the first sentence with the links? Someone is threatening violence on employees and the public. How are other people’s past behavior (that you linked) related? Unless you’re saying you feel that past behavior was the cause of the current threats?
Y’know, I’m not usually one to say, “These nerds need to get a life,” but these nerds need to get a life.
My favorite category of dumb question always has to do with the menu. So, a question like “is the chicken soup vegan,” or “is the bread bowl gluten free.” And I know there can be extenuating circumstances for this one, but the ol’ standby of asking for vegan options at a steakhouse or “the best thing without fish”…
Tell that to a decent chunk of the Carolinas. Mustard based sauce in a frightful yellow.
My bigger issue with the white sauce is its got horse radish in it. Which doesn’t immediately leap to mind when I’m thinking about what’ll be good on chicken. None the less smoked chicken. But to be fair to Alabama. That is less …
Its counting blocked items, which includes things like borders and blocks of colors that go around ads. It’s not unusual for a single ad to have 5-10 items blocked. That said, it's still a pretty fair way to count ads blocked as each of those items load separately and use data accordingly.
Hee hee. I remember that thread. So delightful.
I’m not going to disagree with you, because we do lack information to fully understand. The windmill at which I’m tilting this afternoon is people willfully misunderstanding the question.
But it isn’t like she’s on the board of trustees, she’s an employee and doesn’t have the clout to really change the deal
1. I can’t control this.
Get an adblocker. You’ll be hammered incessantly with pop-ups begging you to turn it off or whitelist but its far preferable.
I don’t care what your insane company policy is - if you’re NOT tipping in a tipping culture (ours) a worker who relies on tips, you’re an asshole. Collective and singular. And yep, I’m an underling who WOULD point it out to management - often - until they stopped being assholes just to get me off their back.
Mmmm, no. Employees shouldn’t have to pay legitimate business expenses out of their own pockets regardless, but especially not if they’re working for a non-profit which is likely not paying super well.
Dear Salty,
We love you Kate!