But muh ecoboosts, Merge! And muh hybrid Wranglers!
But muh ecoboosts, Merge! And muh hybrid Wranglers!
We [at Morgan Stanley] estimate the F150 franchise to be worth 135% of the market cap of Ford.
What the hell kinda job is that?
I am honestly so glad that you are back
I think the average American weighs more than a 500e.
Man I hope people pick up on your sarcasm lol
No one would want buy a three-row car based SUV in the U.S. so they are probably wise not selling it here.
At least you won’t get pissed on riding in your driverless car.
It’s the oil that creeps......through cellular membranes.
Hooters Mergio, Hooters.
I thought they liked Waffle House
The silver lining of FCA’s declining sales.
A CD player in most new Mazdas now is only available as part of a $1100 package.
Laugh all you want — that is a sexy looking crossover! As with all bad relationships, the heart wants what the heart wants.
Too bad that you didn’t buy an Alfa so far, but there’s still hope.
Hmmm........you look familiar, sir.
And the other logo is for Alfa repair costs which will eat you alive.
LOL ! Mergio, don’t ever change...always remain the ALFA Male :)
505 furious horses can take you straight to the service department!