
I refuse to shop at a company whose employees we have to support.

Beth, you’re my new girl-crush. From, “Here’s the scoop; now you have no excuse to sit on your duff!” to “Educate yourself thoroughly before diving into your new cause.” you’re a font of good sense.

I would have been fired if I went on strike on Weds, so I wanted to thank all of you who were able to participate and did. The women at my job were all very quietly cheering for you, and you inspired us to find our own, tiny ways to resist.

Yes, the ability to take off work and protest is a privilege. Just like being white, being straight, being a man, etc, are all privileges. And like those, you can use your privilege to try and help others by acknowledging this and acting on it, by say, striking or protesting. Not only is there nothing wrong with this,

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

A lot of the privilege criticism about the strike seemed to be a race to be the wokest of them all.

No. I will not reward his supporters for destroying the election. Also I don’t like him. Also I am sick of old white men. No.

How are you with her when she is no longer in politics or anything else?

Delete your account.

Frosted Green Doctors = tomato troll.

According to CNN, this lawsuit is likely to get Trump’s tax return in discovery. That’s why the big legal guns are onto it (obviously this couple’s case is one the Democrats can use to get him on emoluments; Pitts and Gross couldn’t afford to sue Trump, with no damages yet).

Slut City sounds like somewhere you’d go to buy a slut. Like, a brothelesque version of Party City. lol

What a loser this guy is! You just know he calls his receptionist Sugar.

Well, chiropractor — nuff said!

Matthews kept calling him out on how it was a yes or no question and finally moved on to Mara. I’m not the biggest fan of Matthews, but I actually thought he did a great job calling him out on it.

I don’t agree with the other asshole, but as someone who still bears the emotional scars of being excluded as a kid I 100% disagree it isn’t bullying. The physical stuff heals, that stays with you.

I mean, who does not enjoy a monthly case of UTI and septic shock?

It’s even better than that: it exposes the whole “free speech” defense as the total sham that it is. They only supported him because deep down they kinda agreed with his views. And they’re only turning on him now because he finally said something that they disagree with.

I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.