A Russian, per Simon

The reason people love Jimmy Kimmel is because he is decidedly apolitical. He is also a conservative. The reason people hate award shows is that the brainless millionaire celebrities being celebrated have the gumption to tell the folks watching what and how to think. These smug, brainless celebrities are also all

I always say “safety first.” Then I say “Putin humiliated Obama.”

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times: The Illegal Family is like coca plant from which they derive the cocaine drugs they sell to schoolchildren across this once proud land... they must be uprooted entirely and their remnants burnt in a large fire. No quarter.

It is one of my favorite pastimes, along with very difficult maths and astrophysics and The Sciences in general as well as medicine and technology.

Yours is an odious suggestion! The plan has always been a great one, the execution of said plan has been a different story entirely. We have not succeeded in deporting the illegals because our politicians have lacked the gall to get it done. For every violent, drug-dealing hombre there was someone to say that her

What you call a “serious police state” I call “a grand luxury.”

An interesting, and totally invalid, point. Now that robots are destroying our labor market, jobs are much more scarce than they used to be. We need to get rid of either the robots or the illegals. We have made our choice.

Badly, Douche. Very badly. That’s why Trump has to rip so many families apart now. The problem has festered too long and now we will fill the trains with people and those trains will be heading south to The Wall. A brief stint to pay us back for the infrastructure depreciation they have stolen from us and then

Interesting theory, however you could not be more incorrect about this.

Not if you count porn.

This is the sweetest backfire of all time. Obama changed the definition of deportation to include “turn away at the border.” Therefore he claimed he deported tons, while not doing that at all. Now Trump has cover to deport millions from this sacred patch of earth, and all Obama can do is organize his idiots to

No, the important thing here is that we say things on the internet we are prepared to do absolutely nothing about. “I am against deportations!” However, how many illegals have you hidden in your home?

While true, you must admit that these white people are here legally. If you are a history buff like me you will recall that white people conducted mass genocide on the natives of North America and took the land by force.

This is, I must say, excellent news. Every single illegal alien needs to be unceremoniously removed from this land, after a brief stint working on The Wall as penance for their sins.


Vanessa said that she was ready to leave if he kept Corrine around... and and Corrine is still around and so is Vanessa. I think she has mental problems and that’s why her eyes are so big.

That sounds like a tea blend. No, I’m just saying that Kelly keeps up appearances pretty well but Bey actually ruined her. She is literally so homeless.

Not from what I hear.

Oh, they would be horrible. She definitely can’t sing, neither can Beyonce. Agree to disagree on that. Kelly Rowland could sing, not Bey though, and that’s why Bey had to get rid of her and now she’s pretty much homeless. Gaga can sing too. Same with Taylor Swift.

Right? Her music isn’t music so much as it is over-produced garbage delivered to no-talent divas. Beyonce does the same thing to a slightly lesser degree. I think we can all agree that the days of real, actual music are pretty much over. That said, Katie looked super hot back in the Teenage Dream video and for