
Is Nightmare before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

Is Nightmare before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

bUt He’S tHe BeSt ChAnCe We HaVe To BeAt TrUmP!

FFS I hope the Democratic party succeeds in pulling it’s head out their collective ass so I don’t have to vote for this shitstain.

The snark-worthy part of this article isn’t the part the author chose to call out, which is super frustrating. The jump from “men are more comfortable” to “healthier outcomes for women and babies” is the snarkable part. I am very familiar with the research here and let me tell you, it is *thin.* It’s mostly based on

Many years ago, I read “advice” in Cosmo about how to make men care about childcare. The best approach? Tell your husband that being an involved father is attractive and sexy, his kids will love him for it, and they’ll be more likely to look up to him.

I’d like to see research on how having ob/gyn office waiting rooms filled with images of dads and men affects women’s involvement in the prenatal period. “An increased involvement in prenatal care” just sounds like dudes nagging their pregnant partners to me. I don’t need more women’s experiences turned paternalistic.

Even without the threat of a lawsuit I don’t want someone getting hurt because I was too lazy to take care of the sidewalk in front of my home. 

This article suggests to stop using salt but offers no viable alternative. Until that exists I will salt. I don’t want a member of my family or a stranger being injured due to falling on a slippery sidewalk in front of my house. This is both because I care about people and because I don’t want to be sued. I suppose

My friend is living in the DC area and currently being furloughed. Apparently someone made the mistake of telling his wife that at least he would at least be able to take care of the kids and save them some money on daycare. Except they can’t because they have to pay on a monthly basis. And if the boys don’t show,

Any word on whether Bernie Sanders is going to actually BE AN ACTUAL MEMBER of the Democratic Party or is he just going to once again demand to receive the nomination of a political party to which he neither belongs nor pays dues nor fundraises? 

Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.

I wouldn’t believe PETA if they told me the sky was blue. If these allegations are true they’re actively hurting the chances of anything being done.

Speaking as the son of an actual Holocaust survivor, Ginni Thomas can go fuck herself. As if she gives a shit about Jews.

This is so stupid. #justiceforthebees

So let me get this straight:

My takeaway. Ban bad zoos, reward the ones doing the lord’s work. I don’t toss the whole bushel because a few apples have worms. This isn’t seaworld. Good research goes on at zoos and animal parks to say nothing of allowing people to see and experience animals that would normally never be seen live outside of the

The Russian troll farm instructors need to do a better job teaching grammar.

Oh, shit. Ban I.C.E.

Let this be a reminder that unlike what certain self described progressives say, we absolutely cannot compromise and allow antiabortion people on the Democratic ticket in an effort to win seats.

While your outrage is understandable, your framing is problematic - the board should care about HW’s victims NOT because the board members have wives/sisters/daughters/mother’s, but because those victims are PEOPLE. I am a person (also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc) but it is MY PERSONHOOD that matters, not

Are you seriously saying that most Americans do not realize that we’re ALL taxpayers? I find that the most disturbing thing in this whole piece/circumstance. If you make ANY money and spend ANY of it, you’re paying taxes.