Well, fuck. Boycott it is.
Well, fuck. Boycott it is.
Wanted to snark, now just want. Chicken parm for dinner tomorrow? Check. Or maybe chicken with a jalapeno and pineapple salsa... or jalapeno popper type topping with cream cheese and bacon.. or... Damn, I'd be good at this.
I'm also sorry you've been through snakebites, it'll certainly change your perspective on things like getting the mail or ever, ever, ever going barefoot! (And yeah, CroFab's the shit, plus she was just lucky. It was a full envenomation, but still super lucky.)
Tell that to my daughter, who was 7 and had ten vials. ;) Our insurance pays for a set percentage over wholesale, putting the wholesale cost at roughly $2k per vial for CroFab. As you can tell, I know entirely too much about rattlesnake antivenin.
That's what I thought you meant, and why I questioned it, considering I live in west Texas, my daughter was bitten by a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake in 2007, and that shit cost over $3k per vial with IV administration. It wasn't like an epi-pen.
What do you mean when you say you had antivenin available?
Disagree. Kill 'em all. (See my above comment about my daughter's snake bite. Kill 'em all. We have plenty of other varieties of snakes to pick up the slack.)
I live roughly 30 minutes from Sweetwater. Don't worry about the snakes, there are plenty out here. Worry about how much antivenin is created thanks to this "roundup."
We're going dress shopping for my almost 17yo next weekend. I'm looking forward to the crying and begging. Can't. Wait.
I am SO sorry you had to deal with that. :( :( :(
Hopefully my final thought on this campaign, but one I wanted to share... Hillary, I think you may've been pretty masterfully mra trolled here.
I reject your reasoned and informed response, Internet Denizen.
Cream puffs are the easiest pastry, but I'd never seen the cute little wet spoon to flatten to top tip before, cute cute!
Probably... but lets be honest here; even good banana pudding is still kind of bad. ;) (I say that because Banana Pudding and I have a LTR, BP knows I love it.)
Yes, I like that one a lot. A. Lot.
Hmmm... I can't get past your continued Southern Bias with your dismissal of Banana Pudding Rolls. Because BANANA FUCKING PUDDING.
You are clearly optimistic enough for anger.
Christ. I don't have any words for this and certainly can't craft a "highlight-worthy" comment, but feel compelled to say that my thoughts are with this woman and her loved ones. This is absolutely gut-wrenching.
We're in a post-gendered society!
What I wish I'd pointed out in my comment above is that what might be "helpful" would be a sign that says "If I tell you I'm having an issue with regards to sexism/misogyny, listen to me. Don't gaslight me. Don't take over the conversation, don't make it about you. I have a right to speak to this particular issue."