labeled: crazy aunt kanye

Mad. Losing hair. Losing my mind and committed to making sure to #resist loudly. Yk, just another day in ‘17. 😑.. you??? How’s your mom????

Hey beautiful. 💕❤️💕❤️💕 Just wanted to say I love you.

Bullshit. He’s dog-whistling like FUCK against Muslims right now, no mistake.

Well, I’m definitely not a professional writer and didn’t mean anything by it other than as a “Mom Statement” about kids being expensive.

How so? A lawsuit (that had been brought correctly for negligence in providing the donor sperm requested) would’ve gone a long way in helping this family/any family in paying for their kids care/college funds/whatever. That has nothing to do with race.

As I’ve said about sixteen times now, or, yk, because kids are expensive and require care. All of them.

Absolutely agree with you, 100%.

It’s my understanding that choosing a donor is done very carefully, with background, race, looks, education, family health history, etc, all being taken into careful consideration. So to get the wrong damn choice (regardless of which donor is a better man in meatspace) is fucked up. I guess (and I didn’t know this

That’s incredibly interesting, thanks for sharing!

And because kids are expensive. But I realized last night that maybe this would’ve been an incentive for them to move away from all those “other” nasty racist people the woman bitches about. She’s basically the worst human being I can imagine.

You’re literally certifiable.

Because they likely wouldn’t have known. Or are we not taking that into account?

Oh, ffs. You’re off base and flailing. Call me a POS all you want, but that’s on you.

I am not “basically” saying anything of the sort. Your reply had nothing to do with anything I said. Saying “they are horrible BUT” doesn’t imply that I agree with their shitbag opinion/basis of the lawsuit, and frankly I’m unsure of how you inferred as much. Because I went on, with actual words, to tell exactly why I

^ this is the point where you should realize *you* are a fucking racist...

I just said elsewhere that maybe this poor kid can eventually sue the clinic for sticking her with these assholes.

Or, yk, because there’s nothing to debate? I totally agree with you, 100%.

I’m trying to restore my faith in humanity; let’s go with the idea that this is just the opening shot in a verrrrrrrrrrry carefully planned gazilliondollar suit.

Oh, shit, good catch on very poor communication! Sorry, I was talking about generalities in the sperm donor process, not this particular case and really should’ve made it more clear!

Asked and answered: Kids cost money. All of them. And yes, if ever there was a family who needs to be in counseling until the end of time, it’s this one.