labeled: crazy aunt kanye

Honestly, I thought that one was the least scary - it was so caught up in flowery language that it obscured anything scary in the story.

Hello, I am the one who sent the letter. My wife and I thank everyone for your comments and discussions regarding this difficult topic.

When me and my fiancee tie the knot, we’re going to have a black AND Latinx cookout. Latinx cookout are just like black cookouts, only there’s always tortillas, there’s at least one family discussion that threatens to ruin everything for five minutes before everyone hugs it out, and you will get side eye for not

Here, here!

These misogynists MUST have moms and grandmas and they hate their families, as well? Or only old ladies whom they are not related to?

Moreover, the idea that a female can insist on getting married and that will automatically make the male comply is nonsense. There’s a huge men going their own way movement fueled in part by biased divorce courts (and other matters, mostly the silly notion that the shadow side of female behavior is the ONLY side of

They actually covered that in the description below the picture. There isn’t an arrow, but they mentioned it. That happened a few times where they would have something in the description without having an arrow directed at the area.

Left over pizza, straight from the fridge, for breakfast. With a glass of - ok, I suddenly need some milk and cold pizza, like yesterday.

Currently, gamete donorship in general is shockingly unregulated in the U.S.

It was a huge mistake, but I have zero sympathy for a woman who has inflicted untold damage on her little girl. In a better world that child would be growing up with parents who love her as she is.

“In the long run I wish she’d won the case, for her daughter’s future care, if nothing else.” Yes, because her healthy daughter will likely need therapy due to the fact that her parents have made so publicly clear that she’s not wanted because of her skin colour.

The black being a birth defect worthy of additional money was thrown out, as was the emotional distress caused by blackness. She was told to refile on the grounds of negligence which is a lawsuit based more on the substandard care performed by the clinic and less about the race of the child. This is as it should be.

She thought that being bi-racial would cause more stigma to her child in their small town than having two lesbian mothers. She’s an idiot, and this poor child deserves better.

Lol, the thought of that actually makes me giggle with mirth.

Agree! Insemination isn’t cheap. And people who use sperm donors (lesbian couples, single women, couples needing fertility treatments) put a lot of consideration into picking a donor. Hair color, eye color, background, etc.

It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!

“wrongful birth and breach of warranty”

Oh god, please tell me somebody’s getting punished? Thanks for being a good parent. All the best to your poor daughter.

I can’t second this loudly enough. Reports with very little activity aren’t telling you the whole story. In one year in my college there were 5 rapes (violent and not acquaintance based, but from a serial attacker) and 1 murder. All of which the police were involved in. However because of certain loop holes in how