God, worst nightmare would be dealing with this shit for another 10 years. I used to smoke, so no BC for me.
God, worst nightmare would be dealing with this shit for another 10 years. I used to smoke, so no BC for me.
depicting the scene downstairs as, basically, Carrie at the prom.
Slow clap. This is my favorite comment, ever.
I also feel like it was maybe re-aired, or maybe I also watched it in a social studies or history class as well in the 80's. (I'm almost 44)
Holy fuck, you care a LOT more about this than I do, and you win. I will write I Do Not Believe In Dowsing a hundred times, cursive, this evening.
"Excuse me, you were the one accusing other of ignorance and cynicism, based entirely upon your own intuition and rampant speculation.It is not a good look.And yes, people like you do undermine the public understanding, because you give further credence to long discredited ideas.You are just introducing even more…
Do you really think anyone's understanding of science is being undermined here? I mean, nothing in the article tries to produce this as a scientific endeavor, my comment is obviously just a throw-away internet comment and certainly not a plea for an end to geological surveys to indicate water tables or whatever. But…
I seriously can't believe people give a damn if it's real or not, or if "I" care if it's real or not. It's not like these dowsers are some cult-like threat, they're just people who think they've got a talent or a way to make a quick buck. So, capitalism. bfd
We established your estimation of my intelligence already. Now you're just getting carried away with the unexpected attention of being visible. You should really stop.
Well, we certainly agree on that point, if not using "retarded" like a fucking scumbag.
And yet I'm an approved commenter. That's gotta smart.
I'm firmly in the "It IS science, science just doesn't have an acceptable name for it yet" camp.
So seeing 12YAS is now, what, mandatory for all human beings? Okey-dokey then.
So, that's what I'm doing with the rest of my afternoon. Perfect!
You're totally off the mark here. I'm saying that it's intriguing that the person who wrote the comment, presumably a woman, saw these photos and immediately made a correlation to gay softcore rather than something intended for the (straight) female gaze. Because as the piece is pointing out, we tend not to take…
I can't remember the scene for the life of me, but I cried at one point. (I have selective amnesia wrt that show.)
Or because she's in Japan, and it's the middle of the night.
She's in Japan, where it's 4ish in the morning.
First, she's not (yet) Japanese. She is an American living abroad, as you suggested she should. She's not a person of color. She also isn't on a board about 12YAS, she's on her own kinja site, ROYGBIV, replying to a comment she received, directed to her, on her article on another movie entirely, Dallas Buyer's Club.
I read a great comment earlier today about the "Black It Girl-ification" of Lupita Nyong'o, and her "token" status that is related: Tokens are important - the more we flood the market with them, the more they become standard currency.