labeled: crazy aunt kanye

Related: How did they do "Texan"? Because I trust Matt Mc's portrayal, but I am seriously leery of most portrayals of Texans.

Roots isn't well-known? Maybe not to your generation, but to those over 40, I'd guess that it's part of our lives, our shared experience, almost.

psst, she lives in Japan.

Given the time period and location I felt Rayon as written was much more likely than, say, a Janet Mock.

It does make you wonder if being misgendered would indeed be met with a flat non-reaction, simply because it would probably have been so common.

So you don't find it the least bit intriguing that your first thought was that it's "gay" softcore?

The one time you don't even think about a trigger warning...

I find it kind of amusing given your user name, though.

arrgghhh. oh god.

I know. I am literally not breathing right.

Maggots on womans clit. MAGGOTS on a woman's clit. MAGGOTS ON A WOMAN'S CLIT.

Is it Thanksgiving? Christmas? No? No again? Then why the everloving FUCK is my TV dad ranting like he's half a bottle into the Jameson's?

I said I understood because I do, truly. I can't imagine how frustrating and painful it would be to hear something that isn't just offensive to you, it's part of your experience enough to hurt. (I mean, the closest I've got is that I'm Texan, and damned proud of it and I get fucking PISSED around here sometimes.)

I really feel for you here, because if we can't have this discussion here, in this post, where can we?

First, I love you. I understand your anger. But I think loosely labeling someone a bigot is rude, particularly given the place her post was coming from, how it was written, and what it tried to express. Because also, I do think we cis folk by and large are in the first stages of learning how to talk, how to be

This is kinja... I just rec'd a notification about this TODAY. It's a shame, because I'd have loved to carry the conversation on a bit more. Well, fuck it, I'm going to anyway, because it's probably something you still struggle with, and I'm on the weird other side of it now.

Totally off-course here, but could you lay off the "Texan" shit? It gets old, and annoying as fuck to those of us who happen to also be Texans. We're not all idiots or rednecks or whatever the fuck it is you want us to be. Give me your state and in two seconds of googling I will find 50 examples of why your state is

To say I'm not fond of them is an understatement, but I agree, these're so cute, even without the macro-photography. (Pro-tip: Don't kill it. Not because they're cute, or for environmental or even ethical reasons, but because as I learned while checking jeans pockets before doing laundry, they're SUPER squishy and

I love this info! (Also, love praying manti. Mantises?) This is going to make me (and my family) sound incredibly weird and maybe mean... We had a jumping spider (black and white, common in Texas) that lived in/around one of the chairs on our back porch, and it was always kind of fun to "mess with" it - as in, move

[Insert new sweaty-palm, stomach-pain inducing phobia.]