labeled: crazy aunt kanye

Commenter, heal thyself.

Nine mentions (three in which he's the focus, but one of those is a "lookit, I went to school with him" blurb that's no more than a DirtBag mention) since he won a Grammy. Before that, the last mention was a 2 sentence blurb in Dirtbag, almost a week before Christmas. Seriously, use the searchbar, it's kind of

Gah. I'd probably be a badass recycler and constant showerer if I lived in a more humid location. Cannot stand.

Twice a day? No way, too much water usage, even with a low-flow! So, now I wonder how much of these attitudes are dependent on your geographical location - we're drought-prone so the idea of all of that precious, precious water going down the drain is anathema to me!

Wow. That double-baked potato casserole mention? Low blow, man, low blow.

Honestly, I think people want to react AT this whole Macklemore thing one way or another, and I am preeeeeeeety sure 80% of the commenters on this post didn't a)rtfa, or wouldn't b) understand why they should rtfa.

That seems to be the commentariat, not Jezebel-proper. (I've had to do extensive research myself this morning, I'm NOT happy about it, as there was NO WINE OR MAC & CHEESE involved. This is why Burt gets the sweet jobs. Also, by "research" you must mean "lazily typed 'Macklemore' in the Jez search bar.")

Let me explicitly rephrase: Rebecca "Renegade" Rose is making fun of the negative postings seen elsewhere around the Gawkerverse.

They're making fun of the shitstorm, not engaging in it.

He mentioned this is sort of a Milanese prep, and pounding the chicken serves two purposes - it tenderizes the protein to a fork tender state, but also allows the cutlet to cook extremely quickly, just a couple of minutes per side.

lol! What the hell dragged you in here? Hey, that kid I talked to you about before graduated "a" today, btw. :)

flattery, yes, precious, yesss

I do not approve. Honestly, could you have been any more even-handed than you were?

Why... why are you gray?

Awww yeah. Now you're in.

Psst, I just followed you, so I believe you're now permanently ungrayed on GT.

It's kind of a shame that Scott Baio isn't the the one that shed this bitter, bitter truth about GT, because I'd totally have suggested we just share it from our lesbian shitass crevices and such.

Are they like cats? Ok. Much dog. Cats, whatever. But dogs.

Someone passed the Kool-Aid your way, right? BECAUSE YOU MUST TRY THE KOOL-AID.*

I think it's perfect for a series, honestly, in the way GOT would also have been impossible to tackle via film or mini-series.