
Those! Sometimes I mentally lump them in with the cute old guys- totally nonthreatening, reasonable men who won't get female attention elsewhere. I loved bartending because I didn't even have to charge for my time like the dancers did, and most of them felt bad about charging.

Yeah, this whole thing has my head kind of spinning. I feel like I imagine you guys would if I just sat you down and told you to write a field plan. Huh? Wha? The manual is where now? Thanks for the support, I think I'm going to start a blog, see if I can get my thoughts together and find a style. That is the Official

It's all true. Except for the pork. You see, you're still following what they call the Mosaic Law. There's nothing really wrong with that and it's actually kind of cute, except that the New Testament sort of trumped it. Then the Church sort of trumped the New Testament. Kind of. Not the Jesus part, that's all still

Yes. You and all your people are in fact Gentiles. Just accept it.

I missed the whole thing, actually. I was late to the blog thing, because for years I wasn't allowed to post because of work concerns. So I found Jezebel after finding a plethora of pro-sex or pro-GLBT or pro-family or pro-insert-your-pet-cause blogs for women. And hey, I'm not straight, and I like sex, and I have a

[] is the original Slate piece, asserting that Jezebel was actually anti-feminist and hurting women.

It was a couple years ago, on DoubleXX from Slate. That post is here. []

Sorry to post again, but I found an article online critiquing Jezebel which recommended as a feminist blog.

Yes, I have a few on my upper spine. It's always worse on the bony parts of your body, but your upper back and neck should be okay because they're used to stimuli. It's most painful where you're not used to being touched, in my experience. If you're worried, have them do the line work and come back for shading and

I'm only barely a member of the tribe, and I only know because the white people who raised me are Mormons and thus do the genealogy compulsively.

That sucks, love. I would buy you drinks if it was at all likely you lived near me.

I'm not Jewish, unless you listen to Mormons. Then, by virtue of being Cherokee, I am in fact a member of the lost tribe of Israel. Don't think about it too hard or your head might explode, but I live in Utah and think it's hysterical that people still believe it despite all the DNA testing in the world. I'll use that

Happy honeymoon week! Have much sex, watch many movies and ignore them all, eat awful takeout in a bed that hasn't been properly aired in days!

Thanks, guys! Now I need another few tens of thousands of you, and I'm set!

I've been offered a book deal. I'm not a writer, I'm a politico. But I've worked in the campaign trenches for years, and someone apparently thinks that's worth something.

Definitely the Faber book. It's amazing.

I used to go, sit at the bar, and watch people. Going doesn't necessarily mean social, and by the bar does mean that you feel a bit better, because the bouncer is never that far from the till.

She didn't precisely raise the foster kids, but I have to give her this: If I was in my fifties, and I had birthed five children, and someone said I was a fox of any stripe, I'd be dancing in the streets. I'm in my late twenties and have one child, and I'm uberthrilled when someone tells me I look well-rested, much

sexyugly. rrowr.

I can totally see that. Those are some sexy birds.