
I'm with you. I think we pick silly fights sometimes, and in general I agree that 'female' is merely a useful word.

It's okay. I live in Utah.


Mr. Martini says she's like the lance coolie under his command that tried to go to a USO show in Fallujah in civvies. Nobody could figure out how he even got the civvies. The same cpl actually rubbed his erect penis on a computer screen in the shop, claiming that it actually felt like he was having sex with the naked

Wanted to? This isn't typical behavior? Man, I need to work on my leadership skills...

I blame my current child for the state of mind that makes me think these things. Because really, the next one will have to amuse me more to make the colic worth it.

No problem. The beauty of being a freelancer is I can actually count this time as "voter education" and still feel like I'm on my schedule!

um. You see. She doesn't need to be protected by law. She's married now. Her husband is her protector, as God intended.

All of these things are true. Additionally, he's not even a licensed therapist; you don't need a state license to practice in Minnesota.

The key is to make sure there's a decent one in every command. They keep the idiots in line. Tell your brother oo-rah and to keep his ass down from Mr. Martini. Tell him to keep his head up and ears open from me.

You, sir or ma'am, should come up with a political philosophy that hasn't already been played out by Abbie Hoffman. At least he was high enough to justify the stuff he said.

They're not periods, they're infections. We can't be in foxholes because of our infections.

He is the one reason I haven't gone berserk and started killing particularly dense voters. I sic him on them instead. It's a thing of beauty.

There's another kind?

I think it might be my next baby's name. At least, it will be a onesie.

Thanks! I had one for a second there, and then it disappeared. I assumed I said something unfunny and resolved to try harder next time.

I think we should put him at a table with Scalia, start an argument, and back away slowly to enjoy the spectacle.

Every time I read you, I want to unheart you so I can heart you again. We need a mega-heart system in here!

Dear Michele Bachmann: