k2b: da man stole mah bloggy!!!!!!!

An android, I would think, would be capable of more logic.

This kid is my own personal Santa Claus.

Nah. They can go. They have a nice high tower and everything!

We’re gonna have to keep the kid away from windows for a while.

Jeebus Effing Christ. Thank you for this share. God, they really hate people who make them feel dumb by actually bothering to know shit, don’t they?

They read each other’s Facebook pages and that’s about it.


I had a girl whine to me about how she went to a private school where her dad could barely afford it and was CLEARLY trying harder than all the spoiled rich kids who got everything handed to them, and yet she STILL voted for DJT. Logic is not a strong suit here. Go figure.

The problem isn’t the toothless greybeard wonders out there with their crappy posters and lackwit slogans. The problem is the ones we live among and work with every day, who seem just fine until they casually toss off “[insert trite thing] lives matter” jokes and tell you they don’t believe in “special treatment” for

One of these two. I don’t even care which.

Clearly, the glaring point here is that a rich man has no perspective.

Pfft. Not at all. Hell, I work with a woman who wouldn’t escalate a habitual harasser at a smallish company to the EEOC, after they did nothing, because she believed it would tear the company apart and she thought she would ruin things for everybody who worked there. Guy wasn’t related to the owners, didn’t have

Wow. She seems so nervous saying that, like she really wants to say more. Yikes.


Awwww. I guess nobody cares about Hitler’s boner after all. :)

No, no, no. Surveys can often provide valuable information and help organizations gain needed services. This motherfucker is deeply useless.

F’in kills me that people elected this shitbag to represent us as a nation and still stand behind him, when he clearly has the mentality of a bratty four year old at a pay-for-play preschool. “Still better than Hillary,” they say. I’ve heard them say this. Even now. And all I can think is HOW?! She’d basically have

His whole perspective is basically warped toward who kisses his ass and/or who enriches his pocketbook the most. e.g.:

Yeah, it’s almost as if he doesn’t realize how many brown people there are in New Orleans.

This is basically the essence of privileged thinking: one can be thoughtless because one can get along just fine never having to think about things.