jminer @

In some places HR does care, but not most. I’ve worked as the main IT guy enough places that I get very close with HR, they are usually the first to tell a dirty joke or worse.

I remember the big fuss about a decade back where an interstate bridge collapsed during rush hour killing a handful of people. It spurred a large amount of rebuilding of old bridges in my state (Missouri). Apparently either every state didn’t follow suit or it didn’t go far enough.

I shared this with my wife (who has a degree in microbiology) and she suggested that a a cows heart would be a more efficient tool as it pumps harder and more fluid than a human with the upside of getting rid of those pesky moral issues. Otherwise she thinks your basic theory is quite sound.

This is really a story about being silly and I was reminded of it by the lead image. I attended high school in the early 00's in a small rural town where just about the most entertaining thing to do was to get drunk and go cow tipping (I’m not joking). I forget who started it, but it became a funny thing to do to

Old Willys jeeps are nightmares at this point, most have been mercifully sent to the scrap yard by now. I bought a 62 CJ6 a few years ago that at a glance looked great! It turned out to be in much the same condition as yours... I finally moved it out of the garage so I could have the space to work on my motorcycles

Batteries and electric drive trains have gotten quite efficient now. A battery can definitely generate enough power to move itself and then some. There is definitely a point of diminishing returns though (I’m not smart enough to figure that out though).

Welcome to the wonderful and terrifying world of shitboxes from companies that no longer exist. I own two, at least mine are domestic so parts are less an issue than I imagine yours will be.

Do you forget congressional inquiries, UN Councils and large amounts of independent reporting? I doubt we will ever know the extent of how many were tortured as so much was done off the record and by friendly countries such as Syria as the above article mentions.

I was having this conversation with my wife last week. I do not want the terms of “enhanced interrogation” and “rendition” to rejoin our everyday vocabulary.

Andrew, are you driving my scout instead of yours? That’s the exact same experience as mine, driving in terror because of the extraordinarily twitchy steering and the speedo refusing to give your speed!

I live in Jefferson County. I work downtown and am only about 35 minutes of a commute away so I’m out a bit, but not way out. I’ve known several people who lived and worked downtown and thought anything past the Kirkwood was way the hell out in the sticks, it just shocked me because I’m from a small farming/factory

I feel the same just north west of you here in Missouri. Not a single person I voted for was elected, from the president down to county sherrif. I even live in what was traditionally a ‘liberal’ county just south of St Louis.

Amazon is great, but their search and match can be a little iffy. I’ll usually spec a part to match on rockauto or oreillys and then price check on amazon. With big ticket items (like decent struts) it saved me a bundle.

I like my clean air, water and fuel efficient cars. Please don’t undo all of that.

Terrell- I am glad to see more effort put into Foxtrot Alpha again and genuinely have enjoyed reading your last few articles.

I’ve always had a blast with either my bike or my focus on a dirt road. I ride my CB500 like a dirt bike still and love blasting down gravel and fire roads. A little manual hatchback is also way too much fun on those roads.

So this past October I took a short weekend camping trip with a coworker and a couple of his sons. Nothing too special about it, just a nice fall weekend out in the wilderness. This wasn’t on a paved and manicured campground, but in the middle of a 15 thousand acre conservation area.

I used to see eagle wagons around here all the time, but the last time I saw one it had been hacked up and lifted with giant tires for the mud fest around here years ago. It died a glorious death that day...

I love my Flex! The wife convinced me we needed to buy one a few years back and it is awesome! We’ve got a 10 Limited (Not AWD) and I was planning in the next year or so trading it in for a AWD twin turbo one... They don’t sell a ton, but they hold their value and are hard to find used around here at least.

My first was a 94 Voyager! I loved that sucker. It had the Mitsubishi 3.0 and was the perfect first car.