Do you also make do with the cheapest entry level Kia?
Do you also make do with the cheapest entry level Kia?
Dude, don’t spend $40k on a new car. Keep the FPace and buy a lighter kayak. Here you go: Eddyline Sitka LT. $2500.00. Weighs in at 47 lbs. Depending on what sort of Kayaking you do, you can get lighter ones as well. My Eddyline Rio only weighs 35lbs (Due to previous surgeries I’m not supposed to lift more than 50…
Here’s a not so secret secret, insurance companies don’t want to cover anyone. That’s how they make money, by taking your money and giving you nothing in return, then when they do HAVE TO do something, they fight you for every penny hoping you give up. Then the next year they raise your rates because you dared to use…
MDOT is Mississippi. MoDOT is Missouri.
Depends where you are I guess. I live in a place where the CHR is Toyota's second best seller and is the fourth best seller overall.
I don’t know how they got their data, but this list is bunk.
This site once wrote about people making art of dragons fucking cars (to the point that "dragoning" was site slang for a bit), but how furries can help a DIY project is just too far for you?
I was really hoping this was going to be a story about how a group of furry mechanics brought a motorcycle back to life
Hmmm... this article is written in a voice that seems to fault California for protecting worker’s rights, rather than condemning the trucking companies that deliberately force drivers into working as contractors to avoid providing them livable wages or benefits.
What does it say that I read the title as:
I’m just here for comments from people who have never been to or can’t afford to live in CA chiming in about how bad our state is.
My farewell is indeed the last article that I’ve written for Jalopnik! I admit that it's little weird to be posting from the “grave.” lol
Remember when making a vehicle purchase use to be exciting. Now its like, how much am I gonna pay through the nose for my new ride? It really sucks.
Ugg, need to go car shopping soon and I already know this is going to be such a shitshow.
She will be happy to add more commentary! We had a giggle writing this.
If this fee wasn’t instituted by a local or state government, it’s not a tax. It’s just oil companies sneakily hosing everyone but they call it a “fee” so they can say the base price hasn’t changed.
Long past time that something was done.
I’m okay with this, I actually hate generators while camping.