jminer @

This one’s not too dirty, but did have a surprise. I had an explorer jump a tooth on its timing chain and backfire out the intake and crack it. The truck has 210k on it and I’m just waiting to find the time to replace the engine in her.

I use a ford flex with a 5x10 open trailer with a fold down ramp. So much easier than loading a bike into the back of a truck!

Rated does not equal legal. Rated keeps you in factory warranty, nothing else. Although it is a good idea to stay close to the manufacturer rated limits

This was awesome! Thank you for sharing- I’m going to be smiling all day at this damn thing.

I have, many sets of both drums and discs. If you have the right tools drums are a breeze. But I was speaking in regards to longevity. On a daily driven car it is common for drum brakes to last 50k more miles before needing rebuilt compared to discs.

I’m afraid you have your timing wrong. In the US most cars and trucks didn’t have front discs as standard until the mid 1970s and rear drums were standard on full size trucks until roughly 2000. The compact pickup trucks such as the ranger had rear drums until they stopped making them.

Also the legality of firearm possession and registration requirements vary greatly by state. For example in Missouri there is no registration for firearms or paperwork required for person to person sales. In Illinois all owners must apply for a permit to own a firearm, and must register each firearm as well. In

Don’t worry about these bums whining in the comments about your story. You regularly provide both excellent insights and quirky facts for both the odd and the common. So this article has a couple non-automotive points in it that are relevant to the story, they’ll survive.

Thank you for updating the cj6 photo. Nice vintage pic of a pre 67 cj-6!

My career almost took me to Seattle last year and the thing I was most excited about was the cars. I live in Missouri and there isn’t much that survives more that 20 years between the salt and the humidity.

The 5 and 6 share a front clip with variations between early, intermediate, and late(55-71, 72-75, 76-83) which are not identical. The 7 and 8 share a front clip as well but are not the same as the 5/6 parts.

I thought the Mahindra started life as a cj-5, not certain enough to argue though :)

Unless you live on the west coast the issue is more availability than anything, most across the rest of the US rotted away and we’re scrapped long ago. I ended up lucking out and got mine for a song off of a guy in rural IL. I’m really not sure who got the better deal as I’m several thousand dollars and countless man

This is awesome! You only got me with the cj-10.

As a Systems Engineer myself: Phone monitoring and management, expensive but simple to see EVERYTHING you have done on it. Personal laptop on company wifi, cheap and easy to see EVERYTHING you have done on it on the internet.

I don’t know about where you live, but here in Missouri most cops ride Harleys so they are quite biased towards motorcycles. I’ve personally rode my old bike for a year with expired tags and never got pulled over. You have to be doing something really stupid on a bike to get a ticket here.

I’m voting for hardtails. With 0 rear suspension (usually combined with extreme rake and ape hangars) makes the bikes extremely unpleasant to ride without any notable benifit.

This isn’t a mod, for a while in the 90s manufacturers would pulse the headlight to lessen the load on the electrical system. Turned out to not be useful savings so it isn’t done anymore.

That naked goldwing gives me a serious case of want...

Yeah- when you make a vehicle in a brand with serious off road heritage, you shouldn’t use the platform of a mediocre front wheel drive sedan (the caliber). The results were even worse than expected...