Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

They are going to absolutely shit their pants with ecstasy if they ever go to a Neil Diamond concert.

I’ve never seen more than small moments of it. That kid is irritating even tiny doses. No way I’m voluntarily submitting myself to the full thing.

Virtually EVERYTHING is a depreciating asset we use to cushion the blow that we are all marching inevitably towards our death.

Yup. If you’re buying a car as a daily driver to safely shuttle yourself and/or family to places necessary for living in the modern world, you are basically buying a tool and should use it and view it as such. If you’re worrying about it being a depreciating asset, you’re investing wrong.

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

Eh. I find CNN to be generally more trustworthy than FOX (which isn’t saying anything at all) and MSNBC (which isn’t saying much), as both of those networks have such phenomenal amounts of partisan spin applied to every story they cover.

CNN trends Liberal, certainly, but it’s so bumbling about it that half the time it

I feel like this is a pertinent time to discuss the 2014 Columbia University study that found a strong correlation between the number of Volvo’s owned and the number of cats owned.

They already did it. It’s called The Beast.

I’ll put it simple: if you’re going hard enough left, you’ll find yourself turning right.

Caitlin, thank you for...wait for it...”clarifying” the process!

Skip all the hassle and buy my fox body:

Done this many times, have been called a dipshit many times as well.

can confirm. Am dipshit and will try this sunday.

Agreed. He doesn’t have to get rid of everything, just the majority of the vehicles stored outside. He has 2 barns! How many more vehicles do you need than what can fit in 2 barns? The dakota, Capri, and maybe a few other cool cars can easily fit in there. Throw a cheap woodstove in 1 and you can tinker on all of the

What you can’t see is that the tech is not wearing pants.

Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.

I would honestly not put debtor’s prison out of reach for the current administration.

I’d yell “IMMATURE ALT-RIGHT TROLL!” The odds of getting fired for that would be pretty slim, I’d imagine.

You mean... gone off the rails?