Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

but it may well be the first mass-produced non-military convertible pickup truck to be sold in America ever.”

In 2019, you can buy, new:

Love it or hate it, FCA is laughing all the way to the bank. Jeep is going to sell billions of these.

Starred for “family-vacation-scented cloth”. 

Let’s walk through the logic tree.

David Tracy still hasn’t given up his hopes on this Jeep.

How is this a question? Accord Touring. The regular 1.5T Touring is a great car and ridiculously comfortable. I got to drive the 2.0T Touring recently and I absolutely fell in love with the way it rode.

There are plenty of cars that I hate. There are cars that I don’t understand why they exist. There are cars that I wouldn’t miss if they didn’t exist. But I don’t begrudge the existence of any of them. If I had to choose a car that I wish never existed, it is going to be more specific than a make or model, or even a

*Sees price

Beat me to it. I know sometimes people get desperate, but you do not want to work for a company with that name unless it’s a gay strip club.

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

In the pre-streamlining era, this was pretty common:

People who survived tend to have survived.

Settle down snowflake. I know Trump has convinced you it’s cool to pretend racism against white people is a thing, but it’s fucking not. Look at our country and tell me how you can argue that white people aren’t generally fucking insane? Look at this country’s history (or it’s fucking present for that matter) and

Given this last election i’d say it’s fair to paint whites with the same brush they paint everyone who isn’t white. A broad, often violent, unfeeling brush.

I’ll get a full face tattoo of the flag of the first country whose leader walks up to Trump and punches him dead in his fat face.

Racist (n./adj.) - a person who drives a race car

Ironic considering the cars end up doing left turns.