Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

Why is it always total bags of scum that run car dealers? I worked for one of their vendors for a few years and I always felt dirty dealing with them.

It’s excellent, as are most of his renders.

Came here to post this. 

My sister picked up this 04 Limited

Sure it’s a rolling chassis, but who out there hasn’t wanted a project?

When I drove my ‘73 mustang convertible in the winter the top was down half the time anyway. As long as it’s not raining, windows up, heat blasting, and top down is the way to go.

That sounds like the business model of a car dealer that I used to work with a lot when I was at the leather shop. They would buy cars by the lot from rental or leasing companies and price them by condition. Sometimes they would put $2-3k or more into reconditioning them, and still have them priced between 5-20% below

And Rick Hendrick will buy it and put it on display at one of his Toyota dealerships for a decade before it goes back into his personal collection. The seven-figure donation he makes to whichever charity will garner him a nice tax write-off and some good publicity.

Pre-93,  the B-series was Mazda. 93-up it was Ford.

3 miles from my house there’s an 80-something Toyota 4wd truck, painted like the General Lee, with huge tires, and a huge rebel flag hanging off the rear.

A Turbo T/A is the only gen3 F-body I could see appreciating in value like this.

If that’s the case, then in two years or so there will be a bunch of sweet Alfa wheels available for my Renegade. It’d look awful nice on some 19s. 

The shop where I used to work equipped a lot of Accord Sport models with leather.

At 6’3” with a 30” inseam, I’m very body-tall. My Renegade is perfect in the front seat. I’d also recommend he try a Soul, Golf/GTI, or if he’s on a long highway commute, Passat. 

Some days I would like to just drop a basketball down in one of those stacks and wait to see the owner’s reaction.

This is why I’m glad the Letgo app has canned responses. I don’t engage anyone who wants to play games:

>article about discarded junk
>byline: David Tracy

I think that it’s more likely that many of these men will focus on turning themselves into “Chads,” rather than developing a tolerable personality and human empathy.