Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

Couldn't agree more. This especially applies to US customers. I just got a brand new Camaro 1SS for $34k with taxes and tags and everything because of factory rebates and incentives. For performance cars, I don't really trust used, as you can never be quite sure what the previous owner may have modified, or if they


The only thing I don't like about the Kia is the color. I think it'll look fantastic in white or black

Don't judge my politics because all I know are rhetoric and hyperbole! Power tools are the new guns, the numbers I made up speak for themselves.

Twelve more gears and we've got "The Morning Shift: Fast & Furious Edition"

You haven't been in a new Kia lately, have you? I've been a Mitsubishi, Kia and Toyota tech over the last 6 years.... Toyotas were by far the more frequently fucked-up cars I worked on, both in terms of engineering quality and "how the hell did this break already!?!?" instances. "No, really. Why is this broken

does that look right?

I read the last word as "toaster" at first.

That is fucking beautiful.

I can't believe nobody's mentioned Red Dwarf yet!

Now playing

I agree about the toaster. It's best we keep those things as unchanged as possible.

This would be a great car for all the high school girls who will be needing a graduation gift that they can drive to college for six months before dropping out and then driving it to their stripper gig for four months before trading it in for a 1992 Pontiac Sunbird and $4000 of cocaine and tattoo money.

I'm going to set up my sleeping arrangement for the rest of my life now, like Hammond did in that TG Special...

Because Cougar racecar

They had some good cars at times, but the big three were so lazy half the time and it hurt them bad when the public caught on to it. GM still seems to do a lot of haphazard marketing shit that might boost sales, but it sure doesn't help their image much.

I say thee Nay. When given a choice, the ignorant public will chose wrong, making the 2- and 5-door brethren but mere unicorns made in small numbers to appease the letter of the law. I understand this will be a sacrifice for many, but I believe the cost is just.

Now I want to see it Gulf livery.

Anyone who watched that video and says they weren't waiting for that is lying.