Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection


True story:

Widely panned when they were introduced, too. Automotive press wanted so badly to love it but couldn’t.

I did the same thing in 1998, at age 19, delivering pizzas. Although I never got pulled over while I didn’t have insurance. It was only for a few weeks and Mr. Schnatter didn’t seem to mind.

HOA fees go to the maintenance of the test track, chassis dyno, and to fund a lending specialty tool exchange. Like a neighborhood library but for tools you might need once every few years.

If you had to choose between this Volvo and one of Torchinsky’s fever dreams, how much money would it take to get you into Torch’s creation?

I work for one of their vendors.

There’s always the back seat, trunk, or floor.

I love the color, though. If they put this on the lot without the Cosmo badge and patronizing bullshit I’m sure they’d sell a bunch of them.

The ad uses the font

The builder clearly didn’t know where he was going with this project

Actually I thought it was Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest in Japan) back in 1986

I was about to post the same thing. My wife and I have a Cocker Spaniel and a Pug so our house is constantly full of dog hair - of both the long-and-wispy and short-and-wiry varieties.…

I was about to post the same thing. My wife and I have a Cocker Spaniel and a Pug so our house is constantly full of

Exactly - I went back into school in my mid-30s and finished my Associate’s degree for under $5000 - after books - at my community college.

Jack Roush provided him with a Big Red F150. I drove it back in April... (from the parking lot into our shop.... and then out again)

Which of Freddy’s “You could buy this [severely depreciated luxury/sports/GT car] for the price of a new GTi” would you buy over the VW?

I have a few right now: