Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

I'm right there with you on this one. The 2+2 never looked right in a Z car. Even the Z31 and Z32 looked a bit off — like someone just added a bit to the middle with a photoshop "drag" tool

The undead zombie Clarkson is cool but I'm holding out for the WHABLLRWHARRGARBLL Ariel Atom Clarkson:

My sister had an 05 cooper S 6speed that decided to let its harmonic balancer fly off the front of the engine before 80k miles. It was a maintenance nightmare. Needed ignition coils twice in the time she owned it.

What about these? These could go either way:

this is obviously a cell phone picture which means GPS coordinates should be in the exif. Imgur scrubs exif from the pictures, but the originals should have it. It shouldn't be this hard.

Imgur scrubs the exif data. These look like they were taken with a cell phone — which has GPS in the exif metadata. That will locate the car.

True story: in 2006 there was a study done at either VA tech or UVA that found that among ADHD adolescent males. driving a stick shift actually led to safer driving habits because it required the focus to shift to the act of driving.

Agreed. The genius automotive cinematography on Top Gear, when imitated, often looks like a sad caricature. Even then, they often use similar shots to excess. For example, the "wheel slowing-down-then-speeding-right-back-up in the style of a Guy Richie fight scene," tends to be overdone.

I just have to say that the movie "The Devil's Rejects," ruined this song in the same way "Wayne's World" ruined "Bohemian Rhapsody."

It was beautiful in silver. It was also surprisingly small. A new Civic coupe dwarfs it and even the 92-95 coupes look big next to them. First generation Preludes are notably larger.

The words disappeared when I posted the picture. This guy is an alumnus of the Bronx High School of Science.

Unfortunately they never made it to the states. I saw one, once, in person. It was at Charlotte Auto Fair in about 2008 next to a bunch of Honda Z and N hatchbacks.

Blue is my favorite color. As a matter of fact, I made a pretty long post a while back specifically about blue cars.
World Rally Blue is definitely a beautiful shade, and it's definitely the best color for a WRX.

I would love to have one of these with a Century V-series V8. 3.4-4 liters of unf.

The street lights in Charlotte are very, very yellow. They're all sodium lights that give off that pale yellow-orange glow and buzz like hell.

I can see that's the Charlotte Blake hotel (which was once the Adams Mark) so I can see you're facing south because the big pink building in southend is to the right. Brevard and Stonewall?

Now playing

I don't hate it, but for $4.6 million I could have a Miura, a Countach, a Diablo, an Aventador, a Gallardo, a 400GT and a house with a garage fitting for such a collection.

I think it looks utterly and absolutely insane. This would fit perfectly in the garage of an ostentatious, nouveau-riche asshole who absolutely needs the world to know how rich he is. Perhaps a reality TV star or poorly-educated pro athlete with poor impulse control (you know — the kind of guys that get pushed away