Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

I guess it's because my childhood was full of terrible brown cars that I can't really think of a good-looking brown.

A friend of mine in high school in PA had one of these. He had both hatchbacks — the sportbak stayed in the garage most of the time unless his band had a gig. He was the drummer and of course his equipment wouldn't fit in the NX any other way. Pennsylvania winters did a number on that car before we even graduated.

I built one.  It was black and I loved the yellow prancing horse decal on the side.

If it was available in a Dodge Shadow in the late 80s, is it really exotic technology?

True story:  The guy in the dark suit — who hands off the mustard —  in the original commercial became my theater professor.  His name's Donegan Smith and he ended up making enough money from that commercial to buy a house in Hickory, NC where he retired from acting to teach Theater at Lenoir-Rhyne.

Someone mentioned spelling out alphanumeric names in military phonetics.  It makes it a little less ridiculous and more fun:

Military Phonetics sound like they could be fun — they could make nearly every car sound like its Chinese knockoff:

Correct, sir.  The Camry comes from the Japanese word that is pronounced "Kenmuri."

Now playing

And you win the award for the "Tired, Pedantic Argument of the Day!"

As a brand, Saturn had what it took in 1991 at their launch.  They had a small, boring-but-reliable sedan, a slightly sportier sedan, a little wagon with interior size that was surprising, and a slick-looking coupe with pop-up headlights and a zippy (if noisy) DOHC engine that was nearly on par with an Integra and

Considering the fact that for about the same price you can sit in this, my answer is "Neither."  The Cadi has a better exterior style but the interior on both is all kinds of hideous.  Late 80s GM interior design is almost boring enough to be offensive.  I guess driving 90s VWs, Hondas, and Subarus has spoiled me.

You know... it does have a little bit of Bill Thomas' Cheetah in it... 

From 1981 — You can never go wrong with an insanely powerful (for malaise-era) 5.3 liter V8 and 5-speed manual with the meanest face that Great Britain ever put on a car:  

Let's hope there's some ridiculous LS series engine under the hood because Chrysler 200/sebring/whatever is not a good look on anyone

That's probably what it would look like now if it wasn't for GM and their systematic dissolution of private and public streetcar and commuter rail lines from the 1920s-1950s.

The butt looks too much like a Lincoln MKS....

In the summer of 1999 I was delivering pizzas for a major chain in a pretty affluent area. Seriously — I made as much money at that job as I ever had at any other. Many nights I left with over $150 in tips and my base wage at the time was $8/hr so it was a pretty decent gig for a college kid who lived with his

I changed it about every 5000 miles — once every 6 weeks or so. The passenger seat broke in half during that year, too, and it had multiple electrical issues. I took it into the dealer a few times for service but they were less than helpful. Personal issues along with the loss a job meant that I just called the

The fact that this didn't happen in Wilkes county, NC is amazing to me.

In one particularly bad decision, I bought a brand-new 1999 Chrysler Concorde — in August of 2002. It had 39 miles on it when I bought it. It had 45k when it blew up (2.7, natch) about a year later.