Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection

Um... I've seen this design before...

"we here this guy parks like this every day"

@MrFizzle: Oh, I hope you're a troll. Of the manual transmission cars I've owned — exactly one has had the switch that you speak of (a 95 saturn — probably similar to Mr. X). And it stalls because the engine usually doesn't have enough power at idle to overcome the friction of the tires.

"Pick a cheap car, not a Benz. Something with a reputation for poor quality and shoddy engineering, it plays into the notion of injury through incompetence much better."

@Rusty Van Horn: A lot of the younger rat rod guys that I know are intrepid, entrepreneurial folks. They own their own small businesses and cooperate on projects.

12k for a big block Fox Fairmont Futura? Wow that's a lot of alliteration.

For all the people who are saying "Oh Gross!" to the idea of penis piercings, I pose some questions:

"We can rebuild him. We have the technology."

After the first one, I thought there couldn't be a worse "car movie" but then Universal Pictures trotted out the next three. Watching them makes me want to pull my hair out.

Now playing

NSFW Language on this song... but it's exactly how I feel

@gypsypirate: My girlfriend is 25 and loves Hanson. She introduced me to Taylor's side project, Tinted Windows. They're really good. Like so good it almost makes me a little angry.

@Acefreakly: That reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite books/movies:

@magnets: That's why you have to be subtle about it. I just put on good music when I'm alone with my girlfriend and she gets to be the judge of whether she likes it or not. I don't make commentary — just let the music play. She knows she can change it if she likes. Sometimes she does; other times she rips my CDs on

A few years back, musical tastes turned into the last straw. When my girlfriend became enamored with Faith Hill's cover of "Piece of My Heart," and I had to hear that soulless abomination repeatedly, I could no longer stand it. I told her that Hill sucked all the life, soul, and meaning out of that song by covering

@PHIL: I've never driven a Corvair but I've been in a few. The second gen cars some of the best-handling cars of their era. One of the "dream cars" that will fill my garage one day is a '65 Corsa with the 180hp turbo six. In a story that I'm writing (hopefully to sell) one of my characters drives a '65 Corsa Turbo

@new22003: If it's run by neo-conservative Christians, then they can strike the "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" part of the plaque.

@tonyola: I was just about to say that!

@jedi4life: If it's on private property and not funded by a government entity — it's okay by me. Banning that cross may have some unintended (but excellent) side effects — you know — like a ban on billboards writ large. It's basically the same thing — a private entity constructing an advertisement for its services.