Why way in hell there’s toilets in the park. The creators go to painstaking lengths to ensure an authentic experience, do you really think they are going to have indoor plumbing?
Why way in hell there’s toilets in the park. The creators go to painstaking lengths to ensure an authentic experience, do you really think they are going to have indoor plumbing?
What a fucking douche. Gun to my head and I have the choice of George Pataki or Rand Paul and Andrew Cuomo, I’d choose Pataki or Paul.
For a really long time I was like “Why westworld?” I’d way rather go to like....Romeworld.
Okay, but the show appears to be set quite far into the future, maybe 100+ years from now. Who knows how much $40,000 is worth to these people?
Makes no sense to pay for an authentic experience that is inauthentic. Must be a millennial.
Another poop-realted question related to your poop-related question.
Your ancestors battled the Viper, Randy Orton, for millennia so that they could bathe with the aid of modern plumbing?
What happens if you have $40k a day to burn long with an unquenchable poop fetish? Is Westworld still for you?
Question number one for me too.
I think it will depend on what you want in your experience. If you stay in town, I could imagine they would anachronism their way to comfortable toiletries. If you choose to go further out, the more “intense” experience would include more realistic situations.
Every park has a room with three seashells.
For 40 large a day im pooping wherever I want.
The food situation too. Could you have, like, a timeout and pop into a Burger King on the park grounds? That would be trill.
Why not? Theres only maybe 10 guests or so, and I would assume that they are all clean upon arrival (and may even be secretly plumbed). They arent selling the actual old west, just the idea of it, so I wouldnt expect it to filled with excrement - just like the streets arent absolutely littered with horse poop (which…
Okay but there’s literally no movie you won’t watch.
You’d only get the outhouse if you were lucky.
Analysis: how long since last defecation?
Cease Bowel Functions.
a company, town, university, student union or country
backing disastrous charter school programs is kind of a mar on his record