He should be stored in the Smithsonian.
He should be stored in the Smithsonian.
Sorry pal but Phil ain’t got time to listen to any smug Bulls fans because Phil’s too busy sipping Pina Colada’s on a Malibu beach with championship rings shoved in his ears thinking of new plays that will force James Dolan to fire his sorry ass so he can still get paid his full contract.
Guitar Jimmy already has a max extension on his desk waiting to be signed. Well, that, and the lyrics to his next hit single “Me and Zeke down by the schoolyard”.
no, I saw it. I’m telling you, it’s fantastic. I’ve never felt happier than I did in this movie and the rest of the night after. After this election season, we will ALL need the joy of Trolls.
You lie! You guys kept yer windy cindy, polish sausage swillin’ traps shut UNTIL we completed the trade!!!!!! Then the mocking began. The mocking!!!!!
Came here to add his name too. This movie looks like hot trash, but I got love for Ron Funches. Can we talk about how great this scene is>
Apparently he was a gymnast. Maybe during halftime they can bring the the two basketball rings together and let him dazzle the crowd with his rings routine.
Yeah, the front office definitely bears most of the blame. I’ve long given up investing any significant amount of caring in this team while Dolan is there.
But lets not let Rose and Melo off the hook with “they are who they are and don’t know any better.” The two may have (had) a ton of basketball talent, but they’re…
As a Wizards fan (shoot me), I would not so much call Bradley Beal “butt” but rather a 6'5 version of one of those crappy off brand TVs that always breaks masquerading as a basketball player. When it happens, you always ask yourself why the hell you bought some Magnavox flat screen from Target and didn’t just spring…
Hey, man. Cubs fans were excited for you in 2005.
Actually, we White Sox fans (SOUFSIDE!)...really DON’T appreciate ANYTHING regarding the Cubs, their fans...or anything else...we’re petty that way...
Adam Dunn is available, I think...oh, wait...
My brother knows a guy who sits on the White Sox board and he said that as long as Jerry Reinsdorf is part of the organization he will never commit to a rebuild since he’s so desperate for one more title. Not that it matters though cause even if we got a ton of prospects for Sale and Quintana, Ken Williams and Rick…
Alternate headline. Seriously, it’s been hard as fuck to be a Sox fans. There’s very little to cheer for, nothing really hopeful on the horizon (Renteria = meh) and an organization that is just spinning its wheels in every fucking aspect.
It is and it isn’t... at the presidential and even senate level, it isn’t realistic to have widespread fraud to get a candidate elected. The logistics of it and the bribery cost alone would make it not worthwhile for even the wealthiest of companies.
Something I’ve noticed is the Trump camp purposely confusing the terms “voter fraud” and “voter suppression”, and obfuscating their meanings by using them to describe media bias or perfectly normal campaign tactics. For example, a Trump spokesperson told Bloomberg today that it has “three major voter suppression…