From what I understand, he’s got a reputation for being extremely moderate, so I assume this is just a Hail Mary from the President to see if Republicans will vote to confirm ANYBODY (lol they won’t).
From what I understand, he’s got a reputation for being extremely moderate, so I assume this is just a Hail Mary from the President to see if Republicans will vote to confirm ANYBODY (lol they won’t).
so like, to be clear, calvin and taylor went on a private vacation along with a professional photographer
Will that ever not be hilarious? The most notorious housing project in now a fucking Target.
“I’m going to spend all my campaign money on advertising and none on field organizing” - a tremendously stupid person.
Jon Gruden: Secret Fat Guy
i’m calling child protective services right now on your behalf
He understands Mr. Trump’s sleeping patterns and how he likes his steak (“It would rock on the plate, it was so well done”), and how Mr. Trump insists — despite the hair salon on the premises — on doing his own hair.
the fact that guy is regularly feted by Conservative press/presidential campaigns is really fucking telling.
I can’t wait until they plop this “fan-friendly” stadium in some God-forsaken Maryland suburb that’s even more difficult to access than Landover.
Andrew Breitbart stood for something, like getting some lady fired from her job for no particular reason, it’s such a shame what happened to his website.
I’m beginning to think she’s not very intelligent.
DEEP CUT: We Like Sportz
No, *I* like to party!!!
HOT ROD was one of the great comedies of the past decade and I am SO EXCITED for this now.
this is why you should never ever use Snapchat
The cashier telling Marcia “Guess the defense is in for one hell of a week, huh” after she bought tampons
Correct! She learns that maybe she shouldn’t inherently trust everyone and follows up on her hunch...which causes William H Macy to flee the scene!