She’s so fucking crazy talented it’s criminal she hasn’t had a better career
She’s so fucking crazy talented it’s criminal she hasn’t had a better career
Oh, Mike Yanagita.
I really like this bit of backstory the two actors made up (stolen from IMDB)
And (maybe) the Zodiac Killer in Zodiac!
yea, dude, you gotta get on that. It’s on Amazon Prime, I think.
A question I have pondered for years:
this is not making me feel better!
does someone want to lend me a child so i, an adult male, don’t feel like a total creep going in to see this movie by myself
was this article linked somewhere? i’m getting a bunch of new likes on it.
As far as songs that have been played the most by a single artist: Don McLean, American Pie.
“I’m not concerned about, you know, T.O. Not one bit. I was concerned about myself”
Hillary: Because Oh God, Not Trump
he’s fucking horrible
MSNBC: Now With 24 Hours of Morning Joe!
I haven’t seen 50 Shades but I did see Pixels.
I *think* more but i will double check
for sure man
~pedant alert~