fighting polish, white sox rememberer

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

In the immortal words of Jeffrey Lebowski, he’s not wrong, he’s just an asshole.

Madeleine is correct.


i’m taking the GRE at the end of the month! someone give me advice.

Now playing

/circles up like it’s a middle school dance

that’s why you need a good pair of underwear

why’d i click that!

what if the ACTUAL 3 point line lit up though, not as a visual effect on TV

Her lips, soft like nanobubbles...

Shhhhh, Albert, he’s a good digger!

what the fuck

ahhhhhh i forgot about these guys!!!!

Street Sharks! part of the mid 1990's “uhhhh kids like ninja turtles right? they’ll love any g d mutated animal action cartoon, probably” movement.

ha! no way. He’s hilarious.


Edgar Wright movie with Jon Hamm!!!!!!

i’m having severe East Coast Snowmaggedon FOMO