fighting polish, white sox rememberer

i don’t think i’m ever going to stop staring at taylor’s face in this gif

i always enjoy how SERIOUS WASHINGTON DC PEOPLE take matt drudge seriously

if we like, all pitch in $10 can we get jeb to stop

oh my god

oh no way glenn reynolds wrote something dumb im shocked just shocked

in Carly’s defense, who among us has and also has not met Vladimir Putin in a green room

Chris Martin was not feeling great when he got divorced from Gwyneth Paltrow, but he’s feeling pretty great now.

It’s not Hedy, It’s Headley

Ahhhh damn you i was about to post this

the Ben Carson “ I can say whatever I want about Barack Obama but you can’t ask me any questions about my beliefs or life” policy is extremely good and cool

If you want a real trip, hey, read what he believes about the pope, the catholic church, and the end times as a 7th Day Adventist

As a nation, we could do worse than Marv Bush vs. Roger Clinton in 2016.


i’m not one for hyperbole but this is the best rap song ever recorded

no way, this woman who looks like grown up keri russell is not a teen, i am shocked.

Those are much less frequent than you'd believe

not arguing.

Lets them spend an entire month in the district, and it’s (more or less) the only chance they get to take a true vacation.

It’s a little deceiving, because (most of) those guys and ladies DO all take their “off weeks” and head back to the district to meet with constituents, where their schedules are (usually) busier than their DC schedules.

Gordon Lightfoot?