fighting polish, white sox rememberer

i read this comment while listening to Rush


Listen Kenny.

I went to a CVS yesterday and they already had CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CANDY OUT

donald’s face is making me genuinely uncomfortable.

by all accounts, Toews is just the nicest fucking guy in the world

if Toews gets arrested, i swear to fucking god....

wooooo hooray for a lifetime of internal conflicts about cheering for the chicago blackhawks

this weekend i discovered that mindy kaling blocked me at some point recently even though i have never tweeted at her. I’m so confused! What did I do!

this has caused me to look at entirely too many pictures of tom jones and like, I’m believing it??? He looks like an older black guy here??? Am I going crazy????

Jesus, Demi, have a heart, have a heart, have a heart.

are you saying a lady whose job was to get Hillary Clinton elected president in 2008

it’s almost as if nobody cares about the view unless someone is saying something tremendously stupid

I assume Michelle is the first FLOTUS to wear Chucks, right?

just copy/paste the tweet’s URL into kinja and it auto-formats for you!

starred, but also