fighting polish, white sox rememberer

never 4get the greatest secretary memo ever

Holly Anderson’s twitter feed was fairly fascinating this morning

Every time it pops up i get angry at Barry’s sweater vest

anyway, lol, remember when paul ryan was such a disaster on the campaign trail that mitt romney basically made him disappear for the last 2 months of the 2012 election lol

is there anything more cringe-inducing than 60+ year old men taking selfies

remember that time she bravely tweeted about how kids should be able to build clocks

remember that time she bravely tweeted about how police brutality is bad

remember that time she bravely tweeted about how discriminating against gay people is bad

ok i watched titanic recently, and i think i figured it out:


we should let amateurs handle EVERYTHING in this country, imo

too soon, dude


dont judge my life

amateurs also built this

yea, i’m not gonna do that

I’m excited to see Star Wars; I hope Suicide Squad premieres in a toilet.